Viola Wills 1939-2009 RIP
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Name: steve b
Location: uk
Submitted: Sun, 19 Sep 2021 07:20:24 GMT
Comments: its a time i will never forget
when we lost a very special lady
for me my fav song gonna gata long with out you is a reminder & i play the track at least 2x every week as a reminder
viola thank you to heaven i send we miss you
Name: David Ivey
Submitted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 17:55:34 GMT
Comments: Today is my mother's birthday and I'm giving her all my love. I will post an updated version of her song 'Dear mom' for all of her fans to enjoy as I not only sang it at her funeral but it was my favorite song she wrote for her mother a grandmother I never knew as she passed when my mom was a child. I hope everyone enjoys it. Dear momma...
Name: Isai Garcia
Location: Caracas Venezuela
Submitted: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 22:16:22 GMT
Comments: Viola Wills R.I.P Recordar a Viola es recordar su famosa cancion `Gonna Get Along Without You` de 1979 y toda una epoca de juventud playas discotecas novias y excelente discomusic guaooo cuantos recuerdos cuanta nostalgia cuanta tristeza se me aguan los ojos. Vive por siempre Viola.
Name: Matt
Location: Belgium
Submitted: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 17:25:27 GMT
Comments: RIP Viola
I'm listening to your CD `Gonna get along without you` right now and I've just ordered the CD single `No news is news`.
I wish `Soft Centers` will be released on CD one day soon. It deserves a special treatment.
You are not forgotten <3
Name: Marco
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Sat, 08 Aug 2020 10:38:34 GMT
Comments: Viola recently featured with her song `Gonna get along without you now` in a `nostalgia` and flashback TV broadcast of the Dutch 70s and 80s pop programme `TopPop`. That particular song of her's was edited into the TV programme to set an example of the vibe and music of that era. Her song is a classic and evergreen that will last for many generations ! When I relived those times watching the programme and seeing the videoclip she made me happy with her performance and her vibrant smile and uplifting music ! Man how we miss you ...! and those days when music was still music. Forever in our hearts and minds sounds your musical voice ! Love from The Netherlands to you ! I am sure you know it reaches you while you still continue to reach us with your music ! Dear Viola we miss you !
Name: fredd
Location: Long Island New York
Submitted: Thu, 09 Jul 2020 14:14:26 GMT
Comments: Hello
A huge fan of Violas voice .. still to this day I play her all the time and when i have gatherings at the house she is always on my playlist ... Live on sweet one
I also met her many years ago and she was a delight
Name: Gene
Location: Washington DC
Submitted: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 23:30:49 GMT
Comments: Thank you Viola. For over 40 years you have given us joy and you will live on forever in the hearts of my generation of gay comrades. We give thanks for you.
Name: Willem van Velzen
Location: Belgium
Submitted: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 17:30:16 GMT
Comments: A Great underestimated star.
Name: Michael Dekker
Location: Chicago Illinois
Submitted: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 00:56:21 GMT
Comments: It was 1983 and the gay scene of Chicago was moving to Lakeview from the Near North. I was opening a nightclub with a friend (Eddie Dugan) called Paradise Island and Viola had several hits a few years before. She sang a concert for the opening of Phase II which started with a disco re-make of `Do-Re-Me from` the Sound of Music. I was manning her green room and we had some small talk with her as she prepared for the event. It was a fantastic night which ended with her recent hit `Stormy Weather` where she made her way from the stage and sang while dancing in the middle of a fevered crowd of screaming fans. She was truly in her element while on stage and such a down to earth approachable soul off. A night I will never forget.
Submitted: Thu, 01 Aug 2019 13:04:57 GMT
Name: steve b
Location: uk
Submitted: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 20:17:48 GMT
Comments: just to say still miss the wonderful sound
the music still plays everyday miss yah viola xx
Name: steve b
Location: uk
Submitted: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 16:43:28 GMT
Comments: still missing your music & wow voice viola
still play my fav tune s
will remember foreve
Name: RC McWilliams
Location: Las Vegas nevada.key west fl.
Submitted: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 17:58:56 GMT
Comments: As a club dj from the mid 70s through the mid 90s I had the pleasure of playing each and every release from Viola Wills. There is no way to describe the amount of smiles and pleasure that her music brought to me and the thousands of dancers for whom I played. In the 80s we had the honor of hosting Vi several times at the Copa Key West and she always brought her best to the stage. I had the opportunity to spend time with her often before and after her shows. She was always gracious grateful and truly a fine woman.
Her magnificent talent will live on through her music and I still get a thrill every time I listen to her.
She is missed and remembered with love.
Thanks for helping to make my work as a dj so satisfying.
Name: Betito in San Diego City
Location: San Diego City
Submitted: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:36:47 GMT
Comments: Viola … Forever will your voice persona and music be with us all. Thank you for all your Amazing Music Contributions Worlwide - Rest in Peaceful Paradise and in Power Viola.
Name: phil hughes
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 22:30:40 GMT
Comments: I had no idea that Viola Wills had passed until tonight. My absolute favourite recording is If you could read my mind written by Gordon Lightfoot who I saw in concert at Newcastle City Hall a few years ago now. Viola`s version was and is brilliant and deserved to be a huge hit. Gonna get a long without you now brings back such happy memories.
I have decided to buy Viola`s back catalogue and her music will always keep her alive. Rest in peace Vi and thank you for leaving us with your musical legacy. See you on the other side...
Name: DJ Steve Wayne
Location: Dallas TX
Submitted: Thu, 02 Aug 2018 15:33:16 GMT
Comments: I first heard her music when I came out in 1981 and I've loved it ever since. Thank you for all the memories and dancing the night away!
Name: Leonidas
Location: Venezuela
Submitted: Sun, 03 Sep 2017 23:45:38 GMT
Comments: No hay palabras para describir a esta excelente artista quien esta de jira dejando escuchar su melodiosa voz.
Name: Celine
Location: UK
Submitted: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 19:42:09 GMT
Comments: Ah Gonna Get Along Without You Now is being used in an advert in the UK right now. Just LOVED Viola. 1979 just blossoming I danced my way through the hours to this song. I hadn't heard it for many years and when it popped up on the TV advert I found myself singing along....what a hit...made my eyes well up as I remembered my youth. Thank you Viola for the memories. Your sweet happy face beaming out from my TV in the 70s and 80s are imprinted in my heart...Just love you - God Bless you in heaven. x
Name: OldManChild
Location: Ghana West Africa
Submitted: Tue, 23 May 2017 23:15:39 GMT
Comments: Viola will continue to live on through her music. Life and living was never totally about the physical. If I can hear her voice in her songs if I can feel the emotion in her songs if her songs continue to motivate me surely she must be alive somehow . .at the very least her soul and spirit lives on in her songs.
Her song Dare to Dream is what motivates me to keep striving to achieve my goals/dreams.
May Rest in Perfect Peace by Jah's side
Name: steve b
Location: uk
Submitted: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 17:27:13 GMT
Comments: just a re visit viola
and to say we miss you still so much
but the music is a reminder of days of heaven gone by xxx
Name: Erik
Location: Belguim
Submitted: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 22:48:40 GMT
Comments: Thanks for the unforgettable musuc !!!
We never forget you !!!
Name: Irene Abreu
Location: Miami Florida
Submitted: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 01:34:53 GMT
Comments: Vi it's been seventeen years since God called you to Heaven and the Earth has been all the poorer for your absence. I remember I met you during the Florida Winter Musicfest many years ago and got to hang out with you on several occaisions when you came to Miami to perform. You were always so nice so REAL. I remember sitting at the back bar at Splash with you back when it was Cheers just talking about the industry laughing and having a good old time. Even though you're gone away from us you live inside of all of those who like me loved your music and got to know the person behind the persona. May you rest in peace singing hallelujahs with the angels. I miss you Vi.
Name: Berry
Location: Santpoort-Zuid The Netherlands
Submitted: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 23:10:39 GMT
Comments: In my first comment I already said `If you can Read my Mind` Now I still feel the same you were great and the world needs to remind you as one of the best artists!!!
Name: marcel
Location: holland
Submitted: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 19:17:58 GMT
Comments: Dear viola
I heard your music when i was a young boy my mom turn on tour record and dance with my anti now I am 45 and when I heard your record it giblves my warm feeling and good memories and I like you your very good and sexy dance style! Rest in peace darling!! Grtz from holland
Name: Chuck
Location: Detroit Michigan
Submitted: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 06:36:56 GMT
Comments: I just want to let the family of Viola know how much Viola was an integral part of my experience in the late 70's. Oh! how she could sing!...She did what needed to be done to the song `If you could read my mind Love`...I can still see the dance floor so packed and full of life and we would dance until we dropped! She was truly an artist and a lovely human being. You could see that in her when she sang. I miss those days terribly. Viola you always woke the dance floor up!...God Bless you forever Viola. May God dance with you and I know he does who could not...my last worda here are....`enter number two` Oh! I still get cold bumps up my spine when I hear that part!...rest in eternal peace my lovely lady! You were the stepping stone in music that lifted me up!...xoxoxox you Viola wish I could of met you in person. Forever another true blue fan!...`Chuck`
Name: Grant Dunlop
Location: New Zealand
Submitted: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 02:18:26 GMT
Comments: Still miss Viola such an amazing talented and beautiful lady whose voice gave me so much joy and strength especially through some rough times. My heart still goes out to her family and I hope that knowing how much she affected us fans still helps in some small way with your loss.
Name: Leslie Lakos (Mr.)
Location: Toronto
Submitted: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 22:05:51 GMT
Comments: There are (were) but a handful of voices in the 80's who could have made it to a Diva status. One of these nightingales was Viola Wills. She had an unbelievably crystal clear voice. So much so that 36 years after I've heard and played her first hit: `Gonna get along without you now` I am here taking the trouble to write this tribute. R.I.P. Viola we all love your voice.
Name: steve
Location: uk
Submitted: Fri, 03 Jul 2015 23:00:45 GMT
Comments: your voice & music remains a
reminde of those special times of the past
thank you viola xx
Name: Ken A
Location: New York
Submitted: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 03:42:58 GMT
Comments: was truly a pleasure listening to that wonderful voice. I remember back when your music was played over and over again at Studio 54 it sure made the crowd jump to their feet. What great memories. Thank you for being you. RIP Vi.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 29 May 2015 18:19:07 GMT
Comments: I will always remember your friendship and music. Love you always Patrick
Name: Peter Maes
Location: Belgium
Submitted: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 18:05:12 GMT
Comments: Love you Viola. Always and forever! Thank you for everything!
Name: Jeff
Location: United States
Submitted: Sun, 01 Mar 2015 03:48:34 GMT
Comments: Sitting here listening to `If You Could Read My Mind` with tears rolling down my face after JUST learning that Viola is no longer with us. A timeless artist with a voice like an angel that will continue to touch and move generations to come. RIP and thank you for sharing your gifts with us.
Name: zakaryan
Location: france
Submitted: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:40:54 GMT
Comments: Love you Viola your song Gonna get along without you now is so sweet forever Thanks
Name: Gary
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:18:27 GMT
Comments: Rest in peace Viola. I only just discovered you tonight when I found `Gonna Get Along Without You Now` on YouTube Wow what a brilliant song. And what a great voice you had.
Name: Frank
Location: Nederland
Submitted: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:33:31 GMT
Comments: Oh how much I love(d) her and her voice. To me she's the greatest female voice. 'Gonna get along without you now' never ages.
Name: merv
Location: UK
Submitted: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 18:03:23 GMT
Comments: What a beautiful voice and so sexy. Even in 2014 people are loving her soulful voice she will never die.If you could read my mind love is a masterpiece. I hope she realised how much joy she gave.
Name: Ace Frehmen
Location: England
Submitted: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 16:15:20 GMT
Comments: Can't get along without you now.
Sweet Dreams and Thanx.
Ace Essex England.
Location: Ireland
Submitted: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 17:01:59 GMT
Comments: What a fantastic singer and entertainer that in my oprnion never got the credit she deserved
Name: j Fonseca
Location: Phoenix Arizona
Submitted: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 07:01:31 GMT
Comments: What a talented artist she was Viola continues to live in the beautiful music she created.May she be in her eternal happiness and thank you Viola for touching our lives.
Name: steve
Location: uk london
Submitted: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:43:34 GMT
Comments: viola remains one of the best female singers in time
Name: Albert
Location: Reims Fr
Submitted: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:45:25 GMT
Comments: 5 years later I keep on listening the song `Get along with you` I'll not forget this singer she was marvelous
Name: Dave
Location: Denver
Submitted: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 04:21:09 GMT
Comments: `If you could read my mind...` The happiest sad song ever....beautiful...thank you..
Submitted: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:08:30 GMT
Comments: HI VI
Name: Paolo
Location: Grignasco
Submitted: Tue, 27 May 2014 23:17:34 GMT
Comments: un grazie di cuore ascolto la tua musica e so che sei qui sempre qui
Name: Bill Schofield
Location: UK
Submitted: Mon, 19 May 2014 21:23:50 GMT
Comments: I feel priveleged to have met and travelled round various parts of Spain and Holland with Vi.A lovely lady and a great singer.......RIP Vi.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:06:59 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
You are in my thoughts very much this week. I will not ever forget you. Your music makes me happy and that is all anyone can ever want.
Much Love Patrick
Name: John
Location: Atlanta GA
Submitted: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:31:55 GMT
Comments: 35 years ago I lived in the Congo when I first heard `Gonna Get Along Without You`. What an amazing song; it has stayed with me since. Just want her family and friends to know that her music touched folks across time and space even in places she may not have gone to...
Name: Josephine Fauche
Submitted: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:21:59 GMT
Comments: Vi loved you from the moment I saw you on TOTP. Made me feel proud to be black at that moment. My mother loved your song gonna get along without you I think most women did. Cleaver song. RIP X
Name: Anita Johns
Location: Frederick MD U.S.A
Submitted: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:09:56 GMT
Comments: It was with sadness I heard of the passing of this gracious Lady Vi. I loved her music and have all her records. I play `gonna get along without you` a million times even today. I will miss her but she won't be forgotten. A sweet beautiful person so talented and she dared to dream. R.I.P Viola xoxo miss and love you FOREVER!
Name: Eric
Location: Holland
Submitted: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:43:44 GMT
Comments: Still listen to if you could read my mind
Name: eric
Location: Italy
Submitted: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:32:15 GMT
Comments: Hello Viola! R.i.p.
Name: MarioA
Location: new jersey
Submitted: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 03:27:19 GMT
Comments: RIP Viola you music is timeless!! you touched my soul with your music and your unique voice in a special way!! love ya!!
Name: Thomas Spencer
Location: Washington DC
Submitted: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 11:28:20 GMT
Comments: RIP Dear Viola We disc jockeys are still playing your timeless dance tracks. Thanks for the memories.
Name: Angie
Location: Phoenix
Submitted: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 16:18:31 GMT
Comments: Today is my grandmothers birthday.... I truely miss and love you. At times I visit this page because so many people were touch by your music.
Name: Harald
Location: germany
Submitted: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 19:36:50 GMT
Comments: unforgettable music ...
Name: henry mack
Location: london
Submitted: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:26:43 GMT
Comments: to viola family real sorry for your lost as i lost my mother 2 years before.
i had great fun working with viola back in late 1989 as here driver and tour manager on a short club tour the good thing about viola she was loved by everyone and light up a room when she play for her fans plus when not on the road we hung out together and took her to all her meetings so she was very hard working.
to me i've lost a good friend.
r i p your still a star
Name: Mik Atoms
Location: Avondale Az.
Submitted: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 18:23:53 GMT
Comments: Shelby & I never forgot the good times we had working with you in South Beach. Sorry we never hooked up in Phoenix. Shelby passed away in 2011 from cancer hope you two hook up now. luv always Mik
Name: Ross Alexander
Location: Preston
Submitted: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 17:05:57 GMT
Comments: Just popping in Vi to tell you that I just got Cherry Pops new re-release of If you Could Read My Mind and it sounds and looks great you would be very proud and rightly so. Your music lives on. Miss you Vi and hope you are creating merry hell up there. Big love xxx
Name: Filippa Lust
Location: Copenhagen Denmark
Submitted: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 22:00:38 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
Thank you so much for all that you've given the world in terms of music creativeness words warmth and love.
Name: David Rovner
Location: Los Angeles CA
Submitted: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:15:32 GMT
Comments: Just singing your songs and thought of you.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Mon, 27 May 2013 14:54:46 GMT
Comments: Thinking of you this month especially and I will always treasure your music and friendship. You will be dancing in heaven to know that there are plans for your 'If You Could Read My Mind' album to be remastered and re-issued here in the UK in the next few months by a fantastic company that has some wonderful work out so far and who will do it and you justice. Love always Patrick
Name: mista wong
Location: london uk
Submitted: Wed, 15 May 2013 15:03:52 GMT
Comments: hi viola i will always miss and love you im still doin this thing like you said i wont give up. thanks for the times we had and the fried chicken we shared big love x wong
Name: Leslie Mariah Andrews
Location: Joshua Tree CA
Submitted: Tue, 07 May 2013 16:45:18 GMT
Comments: You were my best friend well at least one of them. I think about you every day as I am now a performer and with my own band called the Small Wonder Experience. You are my guardian angel. We dedicated our first album in your memory of course. See you after this assignment's over. You are watching over me and my friend Cynthia Manley says hi to you...
Name: Angela
Location: Phx Az
Submitted: Tue, 07 May 2013 07:06:43 GMT
Comments: As we know yesterday makes it for years since u went to heavens gates. I so miss u and words can't begin to express how I feel without u here with me.
Name: Rob
Location: The Netherlands
Submitted: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:41:38 GMT
Comments: I still very much enjoy the music from Vioala she was blessed with a great voice. Rest in peace and love for her family.
XX Rob
Name: Graham Ward
Location: Lincolnshire
Submitted: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 17:19:35 GMT
Comments: I was sat really hundreds of your emails last night and all the things you told me. All the late nights over the years. All that fried chicken at 3 or 4am and you never lost your figure. Thought you would be around always and sometimes I sense you are near.
Everytime I get my keyboard out I can see you playing it through the early hours always thinking up new stuff. There will never be another Vi you certainly left your stamp on this world and it was a better place for you being here. Love always darling Vi your babykins :-) Graham xxx
Name: Carlos
Location: Spain (Europe)
Submitted: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 17:27:24 GMT
Comments: When I was a child I bought her singles Gonna Get Along Without You Now and If You Could Read My Mind. I couldn´t stop listening to them over the years...Then they invented the cds and I bought her Collection Greatest Hits-A Portrait...and now I´m buying again more songs in iTunes. I love watching her perform her songs in Youtube. She really enjoyed on stage! I think she had such a great voice and...I find that she was beautiful with a great smile and an angel face.
I´m sure that she´s in heaven watching us enjoying her music and...she smiles!
Name: William Smith
Location: meriden Connecticut
Submitted: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 13:47:57 GMT
Comments: I have been a fan of Viola Wills ever since hearing her fantastic cover of Gordon Lightfoot's If YouCould Read My Mind.Her emotive vocal style will always live in my heart. THANKS VIOLA FOR THE GREAT MUSIC U HAVE LEFT US. May u rest in eternal peace.
Name: Felix
Location: Hollywood FL
Submitted: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 00:01:27 GMT
Comments: I have no idea where it came from but I started humming Vi's version of `Stormy Weather.` I have quite a few of Vi's LP's and decided to look her up on the web for a new CD. I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. I remember seeing her live and in person many times in the 80s and 90s as she often came to South Florida. What a lovely and talented lady. I am saddened to know such a lovely voice and a such gracious lady has now left us. I will comfort myself knowing she is the lead singer in God's Choir now. Rest In Peace darling. Keep singing your heart out. xxoo
Name: Angela
Location: az
Submitted: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 05:09:37 GMT
Comments: Grandmother as your birthday is near all I do is find myself thinking of you. It's been 3 years since you have departed from my life. I mises you so much. Not only were you a rule model for me but a friend. I miss your smile and the way you would say it will be ok. Love you
Name: Jeffrey Peoples
Location: smiths station alabama
Submitted: Sun, 02 Dec 2012 09:05:57 GMT
Comments: I was watching the movie about John Holmes and a man was singing the song `If you could read my Mind`. I told my partner that I remembered that song by Viola Wills and the DJ used to play it in the club when I was a young disco-er. I told him that I went up to the DJ and asked him who the woman was singing the song. He told me her name was Viola Wills. I went to the local record store located in Columbus Georgia and ordered the album. My friends and I wore that album out. I still had the album and went through the approximate 400 albums I have to find it. Listening to it brings back the disco era to me and all the fun I had dancing to her songs. I was prompted then to research her on the internet and learned of her passing. I was sorry to learn that fact and wanted to write something to let her family know that I really enjoyed listening to her sing. She was an inspiration to me.
Name: Adriane St.Claire
Location: Forest City N.C.
Submitted: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 07:01:25 GMT
Comments: I was so sad to hear of her passing I loved her so much and have many happy memories of dancing to her music as a teenager in many night clubs. Stormy Weather was my all time favorite song. And I still listen to it ofter. My prayers go out to her family and I pray she is never forgotten. I know I won;t forget such a wonderful lady. Viola I will miss you dearly and I hope you RIP
Name: Marco van Rooij
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:36:37 GMT
Comments: You bring back youth with your vocals. Gonna Get Along Without You Now but what you gave to us remains forever. Love always!
Name: Robb Cooper
Location: Los Angeles CA
Submitted: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 18:17:18 GMT
Comments: My dear sweet Vi how I miss you. We certainly toured the world together and made gobs of money. As your talent agent for many years I never handled an artist such as you who was always willing to get up and go on a moment's notice. Your favorite saying to me was: `Let's go I have fans to see and music to do.` I will never forget our adventures as we had many. My sincere condolences to your family and friends. RIP Viola.
Name: Reiner
Location: Berlin Germany
Submitted: Sun, 07 Oct 2012 11:38:09 GMT
Comments: One of the best songs in the World
Name: Cliff
Location: Cleveland Atlantic City Palm Springs
Submitted: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 18:43:47 GMT
Comments: Vi I will miss you and will never forget the night we sat up eating pizza and drinking champagne until the wee hours of the morning watching the sun rise in AC not to mention waking in and seeing you sit at the piano at the Rainbow Cactus in PS when you looked up and saw me stopped in the middle of your preformance. Much love to you.
Name: Brian Parrish
Location: Worpswede Germany
Submitted: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 09:41:21 GMT
Comments: Darling Vi....a lovely friend humorous beautiful and talented! I was thrilled when you attained success on the disco side of things.whilst being aware that you were so much MORE than that. I was priveledged that you sang some back up on some of my recordings.It made me want to stop singing and just listen to YOU!Life is short and I just want to thank and praise God for your life- and pray to meet you in Heaven. God bless you!
Name: Gazza
Location: Birmingham England
Submitted: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 00:50:27 GMT
Comments: As a boy from the '70's Viola's music stands as a true testament to the vibe of that time. Her musical inspiration lives on. God bless you Viola...'we have to get along without you now' xx
Name: Sheldon Ivey
Location: Norwalk Ca
Submitted: Mon, 21 May 2012 04:16:24 GMT
Comments: Missing you right now Grandma.
Name: patrick
Location: london
Submitted: Sun, 06 May 2012 22:19:34 GMT
Comments: Remembering you dear Viola love always Patrick and Brian We will always remember you with love.
Name: Jermaine Ivey
Location: London England
Submitted: Sun, 06 May 2012 15:06:20 GMT
Comments: Thinking of you grandma! xJ
Name: adam white
Location: sydney australia
Submitted: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 01:05:28 GMT
Comments: just purchased a new compilation cd featuring Gonna Get Along Without You Now. Forgot how much i loved it when first released.
Name: Alex Monty
Location: London
Submitted: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:24:18 GMT
Comments: I saw you in Birmingham at a Club and I think you'd just broken your leg or arm and you'd also had plane trouble but you still came and sang - but I was so surprised to see you as loved your choons from way back in the 80's. Wish i'd asked you to sing dare to dream .
Always will remember you.
Name: Demetrius Aati
Location: New Zealand
Submitted: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 19:03:54 GMT
Comments: have and always will love Viola's voice :)
Name: Mario
Location: new jersey
Submitted: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 02:46:30 GMT
Comments: Loved her music and performances so much!!To me she was a very fine artist.
Name: tommy
Location: N.Y. & fLA
Submitted: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 06:38:34 GMT
Name: tommy
Location: N.Y. & fLA
Submitted: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 06:36:39 GMT
Name: Lisa Adams
Location: New Orleans LA
Submitted: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 02:58:34 GMT
Comments: You gave so much joy to so many. May your family know that your music lives on. I have been an ardent fan since the 1980 release of If You Could Read My Mind. You were always so good to your fans returning a lovely letter to me when Space was released. I hope your sufferring was brief and you were surrounded b your famly. Love Lisa
Name: Steve Blalock
Location: Atlanta GA USA
Submitted: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 05:15:39 GMT
Comments: Viola's voice is so beatiful and moving. I have listened to her for over 30 years now. Viola you are truly loved and missed.
Name: Graham Ward
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Wed, 01 Feb 2012 17:12:13 GMT
Comments: Time moves on and so does life but as long as we all remember you your memory will live on.
God bless you and all of your family Vi Big hugs Graham xxx
Name: sheldon
Location: Norwalk CA
Submitted: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 19:28:16 GMT
Comments: Love You Grandma
Name: Paul van Tongeren
Location: Terneuzen Netherlands
Submitted: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 17:29:41 GMT
Comments: I have just discovered that Viola Wills
pased away and I am gratefull that my first stepps on the danceflour was by her delightfull music . My respect to her family and loveones.Violas music continues her appaerence.
Name: Mrs.Josephine Hyde-Hartley
Location: UK
Submitted: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 01:14:30 GMT
Comments: I just remembered Violas lovely `gonna get along without you now` and how happy it makes me feel -such a familiar old tune and Viola's simple but true singing style makes it a joy to listen to again..Takes me back to being a teenager even after thirty odd years. So good to see the Lady on youtube. So sorry to see she's gone already.RIP.
Name: Quinton Jenkins
Location: Amsterdam The Netherlands
Submitted: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 17:12:22 GMT
Comments: I will never forget how kind and giving Viola was. She came and gave her time beauty humor and amazing voice to assist me in raising funds for those living with HIV and AIDS in Phoenix AZ. I am stunned and sad to discover that she is no longer here.
GOD bless you Vi. My prayers are with you and your family.
I will never forget you. Thank you for being an amazing talented light in this world and now in the heavens!
Name: Kishma Morancie
Location: Houston
Submitted: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 23:40:21 GMT
Comments: RIH `Rest in Heaven`. You will live in our memories forever.
Name: Terry
Location: Miami FL
Submitted: Thu, 02 Jun 2011 19:30:43 GMT
Comments: I met `Vi` years ago at a yard sale at her house in Miami. She was lovely to look at and lovely to be near. Very friendly and I got a Sylvester studio mix tape that was wonderful.
Name: John Derr
Location: Pasadena
Submitted: Sun, 08 May 2011 01:10:39 GMT
Comments: Was just listening to 2 of the best versions of Stormy Weather and If You Could Read My Mind on YouTube. Am devastated to see one of the artists on the soundtrack of my life is now dancing with the angels I am dancing right along.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 07 May 2011 08:19:09 GMT
Comments: Remembering a great artist and good friend on your anniversary. Dearest Viola I will always remember you. Patrick Neville
Name: Graham Ward
Location: Sutton On Sea
Submitted: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 22:14:37 GMT
Comments: Missing you so much Vi.
I think of all the good times we had.
My family love and miss you too.
Will always keep your memory alive. God Bless Graham xx
Name: Wladimir
Location: Chile
Submitted: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 22:57:23 GMT
Comments: Gonna get alone... fue una canción que marcó mi vida siendo yo todavía un estudiante por allá por el año '79. Escuchando nuevamente esa canción quise saber como estaría Viola Wills en la actualidad y con mucha pena me he enterado que ella ya ha partido... Viola siempre tendrás un lugar en mis recuerdos de juventud. Viola Descansa en paz.
Name: Carlo MErola
Location: Rome - Italy
Submitted: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 07:30:13 GMT
Comments: Thanks Viola for extraordinary songs and sublime voice.
Name: stephen brindle
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 21:12:31 GMT
Comments: Thank you Ms Wills for your wonderful music.
Name: david robinson
Location: middlesbrough uk
Submitted: Fri, 04 Mar 2011 22:45:44 GMT
Comments: To a great lady and friend of whom i had the pleasure of working with in Switzerland...we had such an amazing time with you and we shall cherish every moment of our time together with the LuvBug Disco Show.....the most beautiful and the sweetest voice is now singing as the brightest star in the sky.....love you.....
Name: Mark
Location: England
Submitted: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 23:41:44 GMT
Comments: I was privileged to hear Viola's music growing up in the eighties
Thankyou Viola for the happy memories and the warm feeling your music gave me Mark
Name: Angela
Location: Arizona
Submitted: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 08:12:40 GMT
Comments: Missing you!! Having a whole in my heart. Your special place just you and I. The good times how they make me laugh. Your gentle touch. Hearing your voice still to this day is a blessing its self. Missing you. At times you were my rock my shoulder to cry on. your smile could light a whole room. Grandma Vi I miss and love you.
Name: Frederik
Location: Amsterdam Holland.
Submitted: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 17:02:54 GMT
Comments: Thank you for your music.
I danced my time away in my younger years in Amsterdam.
Still do sometimes!
Bless you.
Location: LA / NYC
Submitted: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 05:02:23 GMT
Comments: Sorry to hear of her passing...
Got a 1 on 1 dance moment in the Disco Days at a club in NY when she performed on the dance floor.. Eyes locked and about 15 secs of bliss.....
Name: steve fenton
Location: kent uk
Submitted: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:38:56 GMT
Comments: voice of an angel always have a place for you in my heart
Name: Angela
Location: Mease Az
Submitted: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 18:20:31 GMT
Comments: Grandma I love you so much. Words can not express how I still need you. Only if heaven had a phone. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Name: benny
Location: sydney australia
Submitted: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 14:21:45 GMT
Comments: Why is it that the most wonderful of people are taken so early? This woman was so influential in my upbringing. I danced with my first girlfriend now my wife to the music of Viola & her ilk. God Bless Her.
Name: Carlos Bellido
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:53:40 GMT
Comments: I just found out that Viola passed away. Her music is and was a big part of the best years of my life. Good bless such a beautiful and talented angel.
Name: Guillermo Rojas M.
Location: Venezuela
Submitted: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 03:24:30 GMT
Comments: `If You Could Read My Mind` beautifull song was with me in my divorce. RIP Viola.
Name: Guillermo Rojas M.
Location: Venezuela
Submitted: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 03:16:26 GMT
Comments: `If You Could Read My Mind` really beautifull song that was with me in my divorce. RIP Viola
Name: Theo Soons
Location: netherlands
Submitted: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 21:46:17 GMT
Comments: Gonna get along without you now is the song that always reminds me of my younger days Thank you Viola for all the times I stepped onto the dancefloor to dance to your beautiful song and listening to your one in a million voice. R.I.P.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 11:23:36 GMT
Comments: Always in my thoughts. We have all been blessed to have Viola's music to remember her every day. How happy her music has made people from all over the world and continues to do so. A legacy to be proud of.
With love always Patrick
Name: Miche' Goodman
Location: Richmond VA
Submitted: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 20:16:30 GMT
Comments: Rest in Peace among the angels.
Name: Carlo Giannini
Location: Tuscany
Submitted: Sun, 03 Oct 2010 20:15:52 GMT
Comments: Rèquiem aetèrnam dona eis Domine
et lux perpètua lùceat eis.
Requiéscant in pace.
Thanks to you.
Name: mark witecki
Location: schenectady new york
Submitted: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 03:22:45 GMT
Comments: I have loved Viola Wills music for many years.
My favorite is
If you could read my mine. It still brings tears to me.
She was a great person.
Name: G Walker
Location: South Africa
Submitted: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 17:44:46 GMT
Comments: So Sorry to hear about Viola's Passing. Was thinking about her today her beautiful voice. I have 2 records of her music they are so precious as the wonderful person who sang those songs so many wonderful memories. May your voice carry on singing although your soul is at peace.
Sweet repose Voila!
Name: Már Elíson
Location: Iceland
Submitted: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 23:14:28 GMT
Comments: This hurts to hear that Viola Wills past away much to early. In the memory sits still the good time that we had together while recording one record with my band in Iceland(still unpublised outside of Iceland) and the memory of singing beutyful duetts together when she came to Iceland 1981.
R.I.P. Viola Wills
Name: Rob
Location: Hull England
Submitted: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 00:49:33 GMT
Comments: So sorry to hear the very sad news. Loved listening to Viola on the radio a beautiful singer. RIP
Name: Lee House
Location: York Pa
Submitted: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 12:54:43 GMT
Comments: What can be said? I'm sure heaven opened the gates and the choir said...Come on in our lady!What a treasure for so many-Love and Peace to her family...
Name: Owen
Location: England
Submitted: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 20:42:37 GMT
Comments: Only just found out I grew up on her emusic and was a big fan in the hi-nrg days of the 80s. You wil allways bring a smile to my face and loved to dance to you music.. Love you loads Beutifull LADY....RIP.xxxx
Name: Paul
Location: Hull England
Submitted: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 00:38:16 GMT
Comments: Just looked on youtube and stumbled accross some 70's disco music. Vi's was one of them and reading the comments I was shocked to here that she is no longer with us . What a stunner and singer. Sadly missed by alot of people.
Keep her music alive listen remember and enjoy. xx
Name: David D'Alessandro
Location: Woodland Park NJ
Submitted: Mon, 09 Aug 2010 13:24:57 GMT
Comments: i just found out today. Im sorry to hear of Viola's passing. I loved her and her music. I wanted to thank her for cheering me up when I was down and for making me feel good with her `feel good` music. I was fortunate to see Vi in concert with the NY RADIO WKTU Beatstock. It was an all day concert. Viola is the only reason I went. She was the second to last performer that day. (P!NK was last). I patiently waited all day to see her and I got my wish. What a beautiful voice and beautiful lady! We will miss her.
Name: Fernando
Location: Volta Redonda Brasil
Submitted: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 15:25:22 GMT
Comments: Obrigado Viola Wills sua música estará para sempre em nossos corações. Sempre quando quero me sentir feliz eu ouço “Up on the Roof”. Tenho certeza que você está cantando e alegrando o mundo espiritual. Fica com Deus!
Name: Angela
Location: Arizona
Submitted: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 13:39:49 GMT
Comments: My loving dear Grandma. Only 2 hold ur hand again or have u tell me it will b ok. 2 c ur smile or b able 2 have u hold me again is my only wish! But god needed u more then me. I'm sure ur still sharing ur beautiful voice with the angels. I luv u!
Name: Dino
Location: Casale Monferrato Italy
Submitted: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 19:18:45 GMT
Comments: Rest in peace Viola thanks for all.
Name: doctor dj
Location: lucca italy
Submitted: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 08:15:29 GMT
Comments: TNX. R.I.P
Name: alex doctor dj
Location: italy lucca
Submitted: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 06:54:42 GMT
Comments: TNX R.I.P.
Name: Manny Avila
Location: Miami Fla. USA
Submitted: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 16:18:37 GMT
Comments: I had the pleasure of having a dance with her when she was in Miami in the mid 80's for a New Year party at one of the clubs.. I can still remember to this day. It seamed to me that she was singing to me and not the crowd. Your voice will live on forever. R.I.P.
Name: mick mcconnachie
Location: scotland
Submitted: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 19:27:13 GMT
Comments: takes me back to 70s rest in peace great diva up there with the best /mick
Name: mike alloway
Location: Sussex UK
Submitted: Tue, 11 May 2010 06:21:56 GMT
Comments: It is a year ago this week that you passed away. Your music and sould live on. You were loved so much by so many people especially the gay community in the UK. I still think of you when I go past the Playhouse in Brighton. We miss you. God bless and my love and thoughts to your to family.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 07 May 2010 11:56:41 GMT
Comments: I hope Viola's family and fans take comfort one year on from all the lovely messages showing how much she is loved and missed. I remembered Viola yesterday especially and played her songs and I remember her every day. I am grateful I got to meet her and become a friend and that she left us with a great cataliogue of recordings that gave so many of us great joy all those years ago and still do today. Warm wishes to everyone from Patrick.
Name: MiMiD'vine
Location: Baltimore MD
Submitted: Wed, 05 May 2010 21:18:41 GMT
Comments: I am done...I was searching for her songs on Amazon.com then I stumbled across her website only to be saddened by the news...She was one of my favorite artists. I remember being in England during the eighties when Dare To Dream was a hit...To this day it is still one of my all-time favorite mid-tempo songs. May you R.I.P.
Name: Thomas Spencer
Location: Washington Dc
Submitted: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:52:30 GMT
Comments: I was just listening to several of Violas songs as I often do when I decided to search for her website. I only found out tonight that she is gone. I am truly upset and saddened. Even though I never met her I would like to tell everyone a couple of my wonderful memories of Violas music.
I remember in 1979 when I first heard the original Sugarhill U.S. release of Gonna Get Along Without You Now. I was spinning records at a gay bar in West Virginia and debut the now famous recording by overlaying 2 copies of the beautiful intro over and over it took about 10 seconds and the crowd went crazy Having 2 copies I remixed the vinyls for over 20 minutes. I thought to myself my goodness this Lady is incredible. The following year the Ariola 12inch of If You Could Read My Mind Was Released. The first night I played it Yeah another super hit. I have been a beloved Fan ever since I first heard Viola. There is nothing I have heard by her that I have not simply loved. As a gay man growing up in Charleston West Virginia in the 70's the music was often all we had. There is no finer singer than Viola Wills. Her music will continue to delight old and new fans alike for decades to come. Oh sure many of the songs are remakes but I would put them up against any of the other versions any-day. The Lady made them her own. There is no denying that or her gorgeous voice.
If I may address the follow to Viola I love you. The world will always have your music. Some stereotyped you as the disco diva. The basic term of the word is goddess. You gave your talent to millions and made life better for a whole group of people when others ridiculed and spewed hatred.
Thank you so much for the music. Your voice continues to make life wonderful.
Rest In Peace
Name: Roberto
Location: Amsterdam-The Netherlands
Submitted: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:14:46 GMT
Comments: Sorry to hear that Viola has past away. I think her song `If you could read my mind` in the 12-inch disconet version is up till today one of the best disco songs ever! Viola Rest in Peace and thank you for your beautiful songs!
Name: Brian Parrish
Location: Germany
Submitted: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 07:56:33 GMT
Comments: Vi-there are no words for this darling but I am a writer so I will try. You were simply a wonderful singer.Forget disco but we all must make a buck as they say.Nothing wrong with it-but you were MORE is what I am saying.You contributed your great voice to some of my recordings.I am proud to have called you a friend.You were a little crazy (like ALL the best people I think) and had the warmest heart and an indomitable spirit. May you rest in the arms of our Lord forever. Meanwhile aside from your family who must miss you terribly I promise your friends will always remember you with love.Brian
Name: Wilson Torrealba
Submitted: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 20:12:55 GMT
Comments: Siempre llevo en mi corazon una cancion que en mi adolescencia me hizo sentir diferente y llego a mi alma y porsupuesto la cantante que la interpreta Viola Wills hoy buscando en internet me entere que se fue de esta tierra y solo me queda pensar que su vioz siempre estara en mi corazon y en mi alma gracias por dar tanto al mundo siempre te recordare
Name: Donald
Location: Las Vegas
Submitted: Thu, 01 Apr 2010 10:19:49 GMT
Comments: I'm so sad that you're gone but your music will live on forever. I'll never forget you and your beautiful voice.
Name: Marco Bueno
Location: São Paulo SP
Submitted: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 22:38:29 GMT
Comments: I just know that our Father has called Viola to be with him. I am very sad. But do not want to be selfish. I console myself with the certainty that she is singing with her sweet voice to all in heaven. And she's spreading the joy as it has done with their songs. I can say will get peace and we love you ...
Name: fred Mattera
Location: New York
Submitted: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 14:55:53 GMT
Comments: I have no words 'God has his angel back' I have been following Viola's life for so long And I have not gone to the web site for a while and Now I am lost ... First time I heard her sing was at the Saint in New York and It was love at first sound .....You will be Remembered and Missed
Thank you for daring to Dream
Name: Angela
Location: Tempe Az
Submitted: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 03:49:14 GMT
Comments: Grandma I love you so much and words cant say how i feel without you. You were my best friend. Life without you is so hard. I miss your voice or the why you would smile when I walked in. So much that you would light up the whole room. I love you.
Name: Berry
Location: The Netherlands
Submitted: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 20:44:22 GMT
Comments: If you could read my mind....
Name: Audrey and Roxanne Beharie
Location: Manchester
Submitted: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 04:37:31 GMT
Comments: What can I say? `Dare To Dream` was a backdrop to my life in the 80s with Viola's beautiful voice just graces the airways and clubs scene everywhere when life was just about the music loving and dancing!!! It's the song that I danced to at my wedding and the track that both my children Roxanne and Jason grew up with!! We had the immense pleasure of meeting Viola at a club night in Manchester hosted by her good friend Will Robinson and I actually sang with her in rehearsals!!! What an honour and a blessing!!! And my daughter Roxanne has a wonderful photo with her!!! You were an inspiration to so many people and I will never forget you!! God bless you Viola and may you rest in peace. xxx
Name: kellie white
Location: London England UK
Submitted: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 21:57:21 GMT
Comments: In all my life i would never have dreamed that i would meet you but i did. You were not only a fantastic singer/artist/performer but you were also a beutiful woman/mother and grandmother and loved by so many.Out of sight but not out of mind.God bless you always and your family. Love kellie xxx
Submitted: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 01:34:24 GMT
Name: Jack Elliott
Location: United States
Submitted: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 19:46:24 GMT
Comments: I am sure the angels sound sweeter with Vi raising the bar in heaven. Her music meant so much to me. I have always put Stormy Weather on the car's player put the top down and spread some sound down the freeway. Thanks Vi.
Name: Randy
Location: Los Angeles CA
Submitted: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 10:00:21 GMT
Comments: I'm sure millions of gay angels welcomed Viola at the pearly gates. Her music meant so much to so many people. 2009 was a difficult year for many of us not the least of which was the loss of such a great talent and beautiful woman. Warm regards and best wishes to her family and all her loyal fans.
Name: Graham Ward
Location: Nottingham
Submitted: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 15:39:16 GMT
Comments: A new year a new day the world is not the same without you.
Love and respect to Viola's family.
God bless
Graham xx
Name: Hillery
Location: Atlanta GA
Submitted: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 22:46:50 GMT
Comments: I wanted to send Viola's family my prayers and good wishes for 2010. I listen to your mom's music every day while I work out or run. She brings a smile to my face and keeps my energy up! I lost my mom this year too so I know the holidays can be hard. Just know that she is smiling down on you and that she has touched so many lives. God Bless You.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 11:21:50 GMT
Comments: I wanted to say that I am thinking of Viola and her family today on Christmas Eve. I hope that Viola's family will take comfort from all the wonderful messages left since your sad loss and remember that her fans and those of us who knew her as a friend will always keep her in our thoughts. My vet asked me to adopt a wonderful little stray cat in August and I called him Wills in her memory.Viola would have been amused as she met my cats and one of my girls who has since passed away was called Bronnie Viola which made her laugh.
Best regards to everyone from Patrick Neville
Name: Pablo Herrera
Location: Mexico City
Submitted: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 00:28:15 GMT
Comments: I just found out that Viola Wills passed away I'm sorry to hear that. i loved her music I grew up listening to disco music and Viola's `If you Could Read my Mind` is my favorite one I never get tired of hearing it! Thank you Viola! That song means a lot to me! God bless you.
Name: Artist durkART
Location: Orlando Florida
Submitted: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 09:52:24 GMT
Comments: Saddened by hearing of the loss of Viola Wills. Loved her music. Great memories of packed discos and when her music came on-the crowd responded. I have her records and they are in my heart they are in a generation - may her music continue to play forever
Name: pierre lynch
Location: new york
Submitted: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:33:50 GMT
Name: Tristan Harp
Location: florida
Submitted: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 00:47:32 GMT
Comments: I'm hoping you can sprinkle some of your magic on little me while I'm on this planet. If you could read my mind is supranatural power!
Name: Dino Sanchez
Location: Utah USA
Submitted: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 00:17:20 GMT
Comments: Another fan of Viola's Songs sadened by the news. I just found out reading some of the youtube comments. I couldn't believe it was true. Always wanted to see her peform life at least I could continue playing some of her videos and songs like I've doing over the years. Rest In Peace Viola you made a difference in the lifes of many bringing joy to our lifes with your talents.
Name: Jorge
Location: Brasil
Submitted: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 04:44:36 GMT
Comments: Viola you touched my heart with your song. Even I did not know you I feel close to you through your beautiful voice and your positive vibe. I'll never forget you. Death is nothing when you have soul of an artist.
Name: Sheldon Ivey
Submitted: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 08:57:59 GMT
Comments: I miss you grandma I love you.
Name: Richard Martin
Location: Palm Springs California
Submitted: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 21:07:24 GMT
Comments: I am very saddened to have just learned of Viola'S passing.I had the pleasure of becoming a friend with Viola when she lived in Palm Springs California.I will never forget the afternoon I walked into the Rainbow Cactus Restaurant in Palm Springs California there behind the piano was Viola with her beautiful smile and playing at the Rainbow.We in time got to know each other and spent many a night out to dinner laughing sharing stories and enjoying life here in the desert.In 2002 Viola and my roommate had a mutual friend who had passed away. They went to RPlace in Indianapolis.Which now is GregsR Place.I got a call from her at 3 am just letting me know who was there what they had on and that it had been a good time...Viola returned to Europe after living in Palm Springs.I have been playing her music today and reflecting how blessed I was to have been a friend.Thanks for all the good times-Enjoy yours now!You earned it baby.Love Always-Richard
Name: Marcel
Location: The Netherlands
Submitted: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 17:42:14 GMT
Comments: Reading all this for me there is not that much to add. It's just that in my youth (44 now) songs like `If you could read .. ` where simply part of me ... and still are! For years I have been thinking I need to buy or download that song and today I did. A massive shock it turned out to be learning that Viola has passed. Good thing the memory will always stay with me ...
Name: Christopher
Location: Atlanta GA USA
Submitted: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 01:15:36 GMT
Comments: I have such sadness in my heart just now learning that Viola passed. I just had a trip on Delta to LA and then on to Hawaii and listened to the song `Enjoy Yourself` over and over again on that flight. How surprised I was to to do a youtube search for the song today and find out it was by Viola Wills!! I have loved her since the early 1980's when she sang `If you could read my mind`. I was in shock when I discovered the song I listened to over and over on Delta was by my beautiful Viola. I found her website to give her praise and burst into tears when I found she had passed. I am still crying as I write this message... she will surely be missed. If she only knew how much happiness she brought me with her music...long live Viola! Please write me at cwarren333@yahoo.com if you want to chat about this amazing lady! Hugs from Atlanta GA USA....Christopher
Name: Javier
Location: Buenos Aires Argentina
Submitted: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 19:13:13 GMT
Comments: Viola
I was looking u up on facebook and sadly found out of ur passing....Ive dsnced to all ur songs from Up on the roof to god knows when.....I Know u must be having a blast in heaven...U have been a big insperation....I Saw u in so many clubs in miami from Casanovas waterfront uncle charlies etc..
Name: Robert Blanc
Location: Coral Gables Floriida
Submitted: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 01:53:59 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola If God may permit me to write to you this is what I would say to you... You have been my inspiration and my guidance and my joy your voice is of an angel in flight. I am sure you have touched so many hearts in your life time that only God may know. God bless you your children and all your childrens after forever and ever. I truly believe that you are an angel and your voice will bring joy to all that you greet in our lords kingdom. May God bless you forever and may I have the previledge some time to meet you in our Lords Kindom. God Bless you and your family. Love you Robert
Name: Chris Cowley
Location: FrankfurtGermany
Submitted: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 20:38:53 GMT
Comments: We come from the stars then one day- we go back home and if I look up to the sky I can see Viola shining bright up there as she did down here with us where she gave so much joy with her musical talent...
I just can`t stop crying over this loss...
Name: Craig
Location: London UK
Submitted: Fri, 04 Sep 2009 19:56:27 GMT
Comments: Wow - just wanted to say how sorry i am to hear that Viola has passed away - what an amazing talent - my heartfelt condolences to her friends and family.
Just wanted to say how much she made an impact - she provided a soundtrack to much of my young life - can't tell you how much i loved your music - thankyou so much. lots of love xxx
Name: Thomas Ruttenberg
Location: Kentucky
Submitted: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 04:33:41 GMT
Comments: I just found out tonight that Viola passed away a few months ago. Her version of `If You Could Read My Mind` is my favorite song of the disco era. I have played it too many times to count and it always takes me back to a very happy time in my life.
Name: Reg Deane
Location: Dublin Ireland
Submitted: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 22:55:40 GMT
Comments: Only discovered tonight that Viola has passed on. Fond memories of seeing her twice in Dublin at Flikkers at the Hirschfeld Centre in the 80s. Just adored `Storm Weather` - Tonie used to play it at Flikkers and I just loved it. My sincere condolences to Viola's Family who must be so proud of her as she touched so many lives and lit up some many places. God Bless Viola get those Angels rocking!!
Name: Dean Floyd
Location: Charlotte NC
Submitted: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:52:27 GMT
Comments: You will be missed. God Bless
Name: John Eaton
Location: Shoreham by Sea Near Brighton UK
Submitted: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 09:25:54 GMT
Comments: I was horrified to hear the news. I loved her wonderful performances in Brighton & was already missing her loads since she left the UK. The posters in my house CD in my car mobile number on my phone will remain for years to come.
Name: Estefanía
Location: España
Submitted: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:16:37 GMT
Comments: Lamento su partida.
Acompaño en el dolor a sus seres queridos. Siempre estará con nosotros.
Name: Estefanía
Location: España
Submitted: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:16:31 GMT
Comments: Lamento su partida.
Acompaño en el dolor a sus seres queridos. Siempre estará con nosotros.
Name: Diana.
Location: Auckland New Zealand.
Submitted: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 11:11:36 GMT
Comments: Wow i could`nt believe it when i read viola died this year. Ive been a big fan of her's ever since i brought her album back in the late 70s early 80s tittled (If you could read my mind) and to this day is still one of my favourites. RIP viola god-bless your family and thank you so much for your wonderful voice & songs Diana.
Name: Marissa Cabezas
Location: Miami FL
Submitted: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 01:37:27 GMT
Comments: Today I came online looking for you Viola and when I found out the news I was shocked and started crying tears of sadness because you left us so young but also tears of happiness because your voice and music will always play in my heart. You were You are and you will always be our `Queen Disco` You were so famous in the 80's and all your songs were the best! Vi was a great singer with a great talent and beautiful personality! I had the pleasure to meet her in one of her presentations at Casanovas Discotheque and Copa when she came to Miami. RIP Viola your music will always be in my heart! Marissa
Name: Steve
Location: Brighton
Submitted: Sat, 01 Aug 2009 21:52:51 GMT
Comments: It was an honour and pleasure to work with you vi. Still play the Jazzspel album. Was one of my happiest memorys working with you and the guys at Joogleberrys. God Bless. Steve x
Location: BRITAIN
Submitted: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 11:31:29 GMT
Comments: So sorry and shocked to hear of Viola passing a lovely lady Gonna Get Along Without You Now-love it brings back alot of happy memories thanks Viola youre a star Wendy x
Name: James
Location: Austin TX
Submitted: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:51:32 GMT
Comments: The same space here in Austin (a new club) where I first heard Viola sing `If You Could Read My Mind` just re-opened as `Kiss & Fly`. It was wonderful to be back there again almost as if a portal in time had re-opened to the 80's (and my youth). So many beautiful men who danced for hours to her wonderful music have long been in heaven and I know they all screamed and hugged her when she entered its shining gates. Thanks for an anthem of my youth and so many joyous times! Love to your beautiful spirit & family: what a wonderful party there must be in heaven...
Name: hector
Location: guanajuato mexico
Submitted: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 22:30:41 GMT
Comments: The sadness is just a brief moment before the hapiness to see the God's face.
Rest in peace Viola your music always illuminates my life and makes me dream thanks for your voice and your talent.
Name: jack
Location: London United Kingdom
Submitted: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:43:46 GMT
Comments: A wonderful lady tagged on my facebook regularly who helped to make my life so good in the 80's with her music her movement and song.
Thank you
jack xxx
Name: Steve York
Location: Puerto Vallarta Mexico
Submitted: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 04:28:32 GMT
Comments: I am deeply saddened to hear of Vi's passing. Our paths crossed in strange ways over the years. I am privileged to have worked with her in London in the 70's. I moved to New York in 1981 and found her there. I then moved to to Minneapolis in 1985 and found her living there!
We were in touch until recently.
I always enjoyed working with Vi - she had great talent and we enjoyed a lot of laughter together.
Most of all I will always remember her tremendous spirit especially under adversity.
Her spirit will always be an inspiration to me and to those who knew her.
My deepest condolences to her family.
Name: Ricardo Sosa
Location: Tenerife-Canary Islands-Spain
Submitted: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 15:36:47 GMT
Comments: He conocido hace pocos días el fallecimiento de Viola. Para mí ha sido muy triste. Era una de las cantantes favoritas de mi hermano también fallecido hace unos años. Él sentía pasión por su tema `Gonna get along without you` (A-ha u-hu...). Cuando oigo la voz de Viola en la radio siento a mi hermano más cerca de mí. Vivencias y momentos inolvidables.
Name: Richard Orr
Location: Belfast N. Ireland
Submitted: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 02:22:50 GMT
Comments: so sorry to hear of Viola's passing-`If you could read my mind` is one of my favourite records.She left behind a legacy of some superb music.
Name: A fan from India
Submitted: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 17:53:28 GMT
Comments: Really loved `If you could read my mind` during the early 80s.. Found out the singer's name only after the INternet age. Visited the site today to find out she had passed away. Rest in peace.
A fan from India
Name: Mr. A. Rene Mendoza
Location: Palm Springs Ca.
Submitted: Mon, 06 Jul 2009 05:41:58 GMT
Comments: Viola!...I will forever treasure the laughter-filled times spent with you in Palm Springs Ca..It was an honor to style your gowns and wardrobe and dance with you at the clubs sing around the piano or walk in the beautiful sunshine. Your music is your extraordinary legacy.Dance in Heaven Miss Wills! God Bless You.
Name: Angela
Location: Tempe Az
Submitted: Mon, 06 Jul 2009 00:35:52 GMT
Comments: I want to take the time to thank everyone for so much support. My grandmothers music lives on FOREVER! It's very nice to know how many lives were touched by her. She will always be my shining star. So anytime you feel you need to see her do like I put her music on and look to the stars. She's always there!!! And always Dare to Dream!!!!!
Name: Sam Fletcher
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 20:10:57 GMT
Comments: My heartfelt condolences to Viola's family I spoke to her on many occasions and we even had a few pints in the local pub she was working on some tracks with my husband and his partner in London. She was a great talent incredible voice and could tell a few stories. She will be missed. This is very sad news.
Name: courtney king
Location: sussex
Submitted: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 10:43:55 GMT
Comments: I have belatedly learnt of Vi's passing and it has been a terrible shock. I was honoured to have known and spent time with her during her stay in Brighton and will remember her her humour and continuing passion for her music with great fondness. R.I.P Vi xxxxxxxxx
Name: Juliana Keefe
Location: Titahi Bay Porirua Wellington New Zealand
Submitted: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 09:01:31 GMT
Comments: Kia Ora (Hello) Viola Wills Whanau (family)
Tonight I thought Want to hear Viola sing 'Gonna get along without you now'
What a shock I got to find she had passed on. When I heard this song I fell inlove with her voice. I didnt know what Viola looked like until I went on the website. My Aroha (love) goes to you tamariki (children) and Moko's (grand and great grand children)
Kia Kaha Whanau (be strong)
Arohanui (lots of love)
Name: Mark English
Location: Camden Town London
Submitted: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:02:19 GMT
Comments: Happy memories of a wonderful lady and a great artist who brought so much joy into my life in the late 70's and early 80's along with Sharon Redd and the late great Divine.
Your music will live on in my heart for ever. R.I.P. Viola. xxx
Name: Erwin Bruner
Location: West palm Beach Florida
Submitted: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 01:40:15 GMT
Comments: I just find out My great Viola died....
O my God.... Her voice her talent and her style will always be kept in the sweetest part of my heart.
To me she was a perfectionist.....
And a great improver of her own songs.... `This moment of love` from me to her will last forever....
I am sure God would love to hear her singing in heaven again...
I will love you forever Viola.... Erwin
Name: William Kiehl
Location: Reidsville NC USA
Submitted: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:36:47 GMT
Comments: Oh my God...I had no idea she had passed away...After getting a personal response from an e-mail I sent to her several years ago and a few other visits I just recently looked in to see what the status was on the awaited anthology and I saw the sad news...what a terrible loss. I wish I could say I saw her perform and maybe I did unaware when watching Soul Train in earlier years...her beautiful voice and her talent will live on...my condolences to her family. The next time I pick up my prized 12` single of `If You Could Read My Mind` I will think of what an extraordinary treasure I am holding in my hands. Her spirit lives on through her music.
Name: Nydia Falcon
Location: Puerto Rico
Submitted: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 03:55:12 GMT
Comments: I have the great honor of saying that I saw her perform in San Juan Puerto Rico some years back! She was great! Disco Music has lost one of the first DIVAS of Disco. RIP
Name: 1buytolet2
Location: Britain
Submitted: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 13:06:51 GMT
Comments: Whether you are looking your outset buy to let mortgage or need to remortgage you leave breakthrough it here. Cheque current buy to let mortgage rates and learn astir unlike products.
Name: Donn
Location: Amsterdam Netherlands
Submitted: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:17:29 GMT
Comments: Only now found out this wonderful singer died. waaaaay too early. Leaving behind some wonderful songs....RIP Viola
Name: Kells
Location: California
Submitted: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 17:47:14 GMT
Comments: My sympathies go out to the family. She will be truly missed.
Name: Sheldon
Location: Bellflower ca
Submitted: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:41:28 GMT
Comments: I love you grandma
Name: Peter D Struve
Location: Los Angeles CA
Submitted: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 05:14:28 GMT
Comments: I was honored to have done the Disconet remix of your song If You Could Read My Mind. It was great to have met you. Travel safe in the universe darling...
Name: Jim
Location: Sittingbourne uk
Submitted: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 10:16:32 GMT
Comments: I have been deeply saddened to hear we have lost the most wonderful talent and person that was Vi.
I have had the greatest pleasure of having her in my life if only for a very brief time whilst she was in Brighton and recall the fun and laughter we had.
She was a friend and a very special Lady. She will be deeply missed.
God Bless you Vi
All my love always
Jim xx
Name: Bubbles Ivey
Location: Moreno Valley Ca
Submitted: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 08:15:53 GMT
Comments: Dear Ma
Last time I saw you was at Sheldon's wedding and as usual you looked beautiful.
Beauty Grace and never ending style as always.
I've always been awed by your presence and the way you always rose above any curve life would throw.
You taught me so many survival skills on the low without even knowing and I should've thanked you but instead I watched and took in every lil' thing I thought was important.
Sorry it has taken me so long to write but I refuse to believe you are gone.
Some people you expect to be around forever no matter how near or far forever ya know.
You were definitely one of those who were suppose to be around forever.
I feel the family has lost a great legacy to their heritage as well as `VIOLA WILLS` the Mother Grandmother Sister Aunt etc.
To me you will not be gone just somewhere over that rainbow singing your heart out for everyone to hear and when the tears start to creep up I will hug my children for without you there would be no them.
I love you Vi always.....
Your Daughter
Name: Albano Cortez
Location: Viana do Castelo
Submitted: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 23:41:43 GMT
Comments: Depois de ouvir muitas vezes e ver o video no youtube de `Gonna get along without you now` canção que me entrou no ouvido há muito tempo resolvi conhecer um pouco melhor Viola Wills e consultei a Wikipedia. Fiquei surpreendido e muito triste ao saber da sua morte recente.
Os meus sentimentos a todos os seus familiares
Name: marijke dentz
Location: holland
Submitted: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 09:34:23 GMT
Comments: Dank voor heerlijke muziek die me weer terug brengt naar een onbezorgde studententijd. Rust zacht.
Name: Kathy
Submitted: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 23:29:55 GMT
Comments: I was probably one of Viola's last roommates; we shared a room at Desert Sky Health Care Facility in Glendale AZ. I was discharged in mid-April and she stayed on. I recall that her son (who was on a military leave) came to visit her along with several other people. I could tell that she was loved by many. My sincerest condolences.
Name: bruce peele
Location: Islamorada fl/ 33036
Submitted: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:19:31 GMT
Comments: Itis with great shock and sadness that I learned today of Viola's passing-
I had gone on this Website because I needed a really special gift for a fellow dance music afficiando- and of course my first thought was-how about Viola's greatest hits(I had tried to get it for years on new was was always sold out).
To me and to many others-she was the `queen` of dance music-and I could say so much more but I think the fact that when something truly special was needed for my friend-and I certainy could have typed in Thelma Houston or Sharon Redd or Loletta Holloway (all wonderfull) but the name I had to put in first was Viola.
She will not be replaced and for those of us lucky enough to have seen her warmth and fire in concert and to have spent joyous hours dancing to her music-the loss is profound.
My heart goes out to her family and those lucky enough to have been close to her.
Bruce Peele
Name: olgita
Location: Miami florida
Submitted: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 08:12:41 GMT
Comments: thank u for the memories...I'm in shock and sad - god bless her and family. There are moments in life that knock the wind out of you; this is one of those moments..(snif-snif)
Name: Daniel
Location: England
Submitted: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 13:00:35 GMT
Comments: What an amazing talent playing bass in jazzspell with Vi was a real turning point for me with music. Vi was a real star and I'll miss her.
Rest In peace Vi x
Name: Carlos Miller
Location: Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Submitted: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 00:28:58 GMT
Comments: Heaven has another angel with a magnificent voice! I am sad that she is not among us but at least I could follow most of her career through the 80's until now! What a great singer! I am gonna miss you Viola RIP!!!
Name: Jacque Rodriguez
Location: Palm Bay Florida
Submitted: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 01:11:18 GMT
Comments: My deepest condolences...I would like to say that she will be deeply missed and never forgotten her songs brought smiles and helped me when I was feeling down.
So Viola your another Angel in the sky and a Bright Star and you will always shine!!!
God Bless you
Name: Lance Ferris
Location: California
Submitted: Sat, 30 May 2009 17:21:49 GMT
Comments: I send love to Viola's family. I am sorry for your loss.
I met Viola Wills in NYC at a small gay bar on the upper west side. I was 18 years old. She had come in to sing a song and the crowd was so excited they ended up surrounding her! Her face was so great to watch - she was not sure if she should have been scared or pleased at first!
Roy Thode then brought Ms. Wills to Fire Island in the summer of 79 or 80. I think she may have become Viols Wills-Ashmun that summer?
Well I'm 47 now and listen to Viola's music often. She as many other amazing women carved the way for today's artists. Her soulful voice was always center stage - no synthesizers or overwhelming backup.
Thanks for the gifts Viola. Rest well and sing with the angels.
Name: Adolfo Martínez
Location: Vilamarxant
Submitted: Fri, 29 May 2009 18:16:51 GMT
Comments: Ella formó parte de la banda soonora de mi vida. U dia espero volver a verte y seguir bailando contigo. Gracias.
Name: Tom Phelan
Location: Brighton UK
Submitted: Thu, 28 May 2009 13:03:22 GMT
Comments: It was a privilege to be Vi's keyboard player through her time in Brighton. She was an inspirational musician and a generous spirit to a bunch of young musicians. Bless her. x
Name: Manuel Pacifico
Location: Lima - Perú
Submitted: Wed, 27 May 2009 15:27:29 GMT
Comments: I am very sad Viola is my favorite singer .We never forget you. Thank you .
Name: sue popper
Location: Joogleberry Brighton
Submitted: Mon, 25 May 2009 14:54:57 GMT
Comments: Joogleberry welcome comments photos and memories from those who were lucky enough to see Viola perform at Joogleberry Playhouse. We will post them into a tribute page in her honour. Contact joogleberry.com directly. Thank you Vi
Name: sue popper
Location: joogleberry brighton
Submitted: Mon, 25 May 2009 14:51:15 GMT
Comments: Dearest Vi
I'm so very sad to hear this news. Joogleberry Playhouse Brighton The UK but most of all I was blessed when you came to my venue and became our resident Diva and we got to know each other so well. I am so happy I was able to encourage you to sing your own songs in the way you wanted to. Coming across you at the piano singing a gospel tune to yourself that afternoon and developing `Just Vi` as well as introducing you to Ben Tom and the guys and seeing the formation of Jazzpel it was so exciting so real so simply beautiful. I look back on your shows as highlights of my Joogleberry experience and probably my whole life. Because of you “I feel beautiful today.” Thank you Vi for always daring to dream and for being the star you are. I know you are singing now and the universe applauds eternally. All love. Sue
Name: Walter Thompson III
Location: Calistoga California
Submitted: Mon, 25 May 2009 00:07:17 GMT
Comments: Like many I was deeply sadden and dismayed by the passing of Viola Wills. As a lover of beautiful dance music I always felt her music provided some of the best soundtracks of my life. Her version of the Gordon Lightfoot classic `If You Could Read My Mind` was truly one of the most beautiful songs I have ever danced to. Viola Wills was a great vocalist and I and many others will never forget her.
Name: William - B-Concept Media Entertainment Group
Location: Bangkok - Thailand
Submitted: Sun, 24 May 2009 08:00:30 GMT
Comments: I was shocked reading your site. We had plans we couldnt realize. The Angels needed you to sing for them. It was an honour knowing you and I hope we will work together sometime on the other side in the light of music. I will pray for you.. Thank you. William
Name: Cassandra
Location: Brighton UK
Submitted: Sat, 23 May 2009 20:56:35 GMT
Comments: Oh Vi
You brought so much joy to us when you lived in Brighton and we had so many lovely evenings out with the girls.
I am so blessed that you touched my life. Sleep well my angel xxx
Name: Hallie
Location: Madrid Spain
Submitted: Fri, 22 May 2009 13:23:22 GMT
Comments: Really sorry to hear the news that Viola Wills passed away. I only found out today. Dare to Dream is one of my favourite all-time songs. My sympathies to Viola's family. RIP.
Name: Danilo Augusto
Location: São Paulo - Brazil
Submitted: Fri, 22 May 2009 02:38:42 GMT
Comments: I was very sad to know that Viola passed away .I was waiting for her next records ...
The world has lost a great singer . I hope now she is singing in Heaven .
My condolences to her family friends and fans .
Name: Peter
Location: Brighton UK
Submitted: Wed, 20 May 2009 22:07:19 GMT
Comments: So sad and shocked to hear of Vi's passing. I lost count of the times I saw Vi performing in Brighton - every time was wonderful and left me wanting more. My sympathies to all her family. She will be much missed.
Name: Will
Location: Nashville
Submitted: Wed, 20 May 2009 05:02:20 GMT
Comments: I recall the many times that Viola performed at Backstreet in Atlanta. She would pack the house and thrill the crowd as she belted out `Stormy Weather ` `Maybe This Time ` `Love Pains ` or any of her other hits. Her vocal range was remarkable and her fans always sensed that she was giving her all. I didn't know Viola but her music (which continues to live) makes me feel as if I did. I am grateful for the ways in which she shared her talent.
Name: Justin Kantor
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Tue, 19 May 2009 19:33:47 GMT
Comments: My tribute to Vi has been published on soulmusic.com. Just go to the site and you will see a link on the right side of the page or you can type Viola Wills in the search box and it will come up.
I hope I did justice to her legacy with it. She was truly a positive influence on me (and will continue to be).
Name: Ger
Location: Nederland
Submitted: Tue, 19 May 2009 19:25:45 GMT
Comments: We never forget you. Thank you for the music.
Name: Simon White
Location: London
Submitted: Tue, 19 May 2009 06:37:11 GMT
Comments: I met Ms Wills just once a few years ago when I interviewed her for a magazine article. My time spent with her and the laughs we shared will remain a treasured memory. Her voice was very special. Thank you for the music Viola.
Name: Mike V
Location: New Jersey
Submitted: Tue, 19 May 2009 03:35:05 GMT
Comments: While it is extremely sad to lose a legend such as Ms. Wills the best tribute we can do for her and other fallen icons is to keep the music playing. Keep the joy of their songs in our hearts and on the dance floors till the end of time. If Ms. Wills `could read (our) minds...` she would know how heartbroken we all are at this moment in time.
Name: Linda
Location: France
Submitted: Mon, 18 May 2009 14:41:09 GMT
Comments: Sorry another Angel Voice disapeared
Miss U so much Viola...
Name: Paul
Location: Phoenix
Submitted: Mon, 18 May 2009 05:13:59 GMT
Comments: I am so sorry to hear about Viola's passing. I am a big fan. Have always loved her and always will. Her music will live on.
Name: mitch wood
Location: San Francisco
Submitted: Sun, 17 May 2009 23:23:48 GMT
Comments: Viola is such a huge part of my history. I'll miss you.
Name: Carlos Abreu
Location: Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil
Submitted: Sun, 17 May 2009 23:03:14 GMT
Comments: We lost one of the greatest voices of disco music. My simpathy to Viola´s family. Now she´s making disco heaven even happier. God bless you Vi. We all gonna miss you!
Name: AL (JFSB)
Location: London UK
Submitted: Sun, 17 May 2009 10:13:48 GMT
Comments: Yet another great artist who will be sadly missed...
Our love goes out to all Viola's family...
She was a true legend...
From all of us at JazzFunkSoulBrothers
Name: David Ivey
Location: California.
Submitted: Sun, 17 May 2009 04:14:57 GMT
Comments: Hello everyone I am Vi's youngest son. I would like to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and memories of my mom on her website it really touches me deeply to see all the lives she touched! Whether any of you know it or not my mom really gave her life to all of her fans and only when she was performing on stage did she truly 'come alive'! I am here to testify to you that my mom loved all you dearly as a crucial part of her extended family. As I read all the condolences from around the globe I am at awe to know that it is my mom of whom you hold in such high esteem! On behalf of my brothers and sisters I thank you thank you thank you for making my mom's DARE TO DREAM a fuflilled reality! Rest on mom I'll see you backstage when I get there... Love your Baby boy
Name: Rosie
Location: Glendale Az
Submitted: Sun, 17 May 2009 00:11:13 GMT
Comments: I was not fortunate to know Vi the way all of her many fans have express on this page. However she was a very kind and lovely person. Her Tanner Terrace friends wish to express their deepest sympathy to her family. I know she's singing in heaven. May God Bless Her Family. Rip Vi.....
Name: Ian Blanthorn
Location: Sydney Australia
Submitted: Sat, 16 May 2009 22:26:31 GMT
Comments: You music will live forever a sad loss!
Name: Rene Hass
Location: Porto Alegre Brazil
Submitted: Sat, 16 May 2009 03:57:51 GMT
Comments: Viola I’m really sadded to hear the news of your passing. I first heard you when you recorded “Gonna Get Along Without You Now” which is one of the best songs of all time. Your wonderful music brought me so much joy in my teenage years. You’ll be missed. Rest in peace. Love from a Brazilian fan.
Name: Justin
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Sat, 16 May 2009 01:51:10 GMT
Comments: I posted a 1986 TV performance of Vi's Dare to Dream on YouTube (she always said that that was her defining composition) as well as audio of a few other great overlooked songs from her catalogue -- such as Let's Love Now I Believe in Miracles and The More I See You -- including some photos I had taken with her and some of my favorite album covers. My way of making a little tribute to keeping her spirit and music alive with us.
My thoughts and prayers are with Vi's family.
Name: bigdaddyg2k4
Location: north carolina
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 20:42:38 GMT
Comments: I instantly became a fan when `Gonna Get Along Without You Now` played on Music Choice `Classic Disco` and wanted more of her music. She was blessed with a God-given talent and blessed us fans with her skills as a consummate entertainer and will continue to do so forever. Her legendary status in the disco genre is cemented will be reminded as one of the greatest of all time. My prayers go out to her family and fans during this time of mourning. RIP VIOLA.
Name: David Mesirow
Location: Palm Springs California
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 17:40:33 GMT
Comments: For a brief period of time Miss `V` as I called her came to the gym and took my step class. We became friends and she said the STEP class inspired her to write a song called `I'm Steppin out.`
She also wrote a song `I feel Beautiful` and she recorded both of these songs in a small place somewhere and give that CD to me. I play `I FEEL BEAUTIFUL` often at the end of my class...and speak about her to my students.
TODAY for some reason I began to think about her....out of the blue......and Find myself HERE on the day she is being remembered.
Name: Gloria Jones
Location: Sierra Leone
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 15:27:25 GMT
Comments: To one of the original Sanctified Sisters. I can remember in Lyons France when you swam across that small lake. I sure was relieved when you got to the other side. We laughed and you told us how happy you were that you made it (in the business). With fond memories and my love always Gloria.
Name: Troy
Location: Amsterdam
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 12:24:25 GMT
Comments: One of my favourite artists and 'if you could read my mind' one of my farourite songs. She will be sorely missed. Best wishes to her family.
Name: Leslie Lerias-Andrews
Location: Desert Hot Springs CA
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 07:11:44 GMT
Comments: Vi was one of my best friends. We traveled to Europe once as a gift for my 25th birthday back in 2000. I miss her terribly and I just found out that she passed on just now. I am in shock and I wish I could attend the memorial service but due to work scheduling I am not able to do so. So I wish you GodSpeeed my dear friend. I still have video footage of her in Rome Italy. I will treasure this forever.
Name: Darrin Hauxwell
Location: Nottingham UK
Submitted: Fri, 15 May 2009 00:19:12 GMT
Comments: My deepest sympathy goes out to Vi's family.
She was a fantastic lady and we will ALL miss you Lady V.
God Bless RIP
Name: Fred Rabe Pickett (aka DJ Disco Balls)
Location: Chicago IL USA
Submitted: Thu, 14 May 2009 21:27:33 GMT
Comments: When disco `died` after the infamous `Disco Demolition` in Chicago the summer of 1979 I was feeling really low. The music that lifted my spirits was becoming harder and harder to find. When I discovered Viola's album from 1980 which included such classics as `If You Could Read My Mind` and `Secret Love` I was in absolute heaven. I played that album over and over.
Viola oozed class soul and style...so rare nowadays. You will be missed deeply but you will live on with me in your music.
Name: Sabrina
Location: London
Submitted: Thu, 14 May 2009 16:53:54 GMT
Comments: My Mother-in-law Viola was truly an amazing person for over 32 years I have known her and through these years I can say she was perfect in every way and a honour to have known her.
Mom was one of a kind talented in every way educated beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside anything she wore was fabulous. She was also a people person always sharing of herself to anyone who knows her including her fans.
In her busy schedule she always made time to see her Gran kids Jermaine Damu and Sheldon while in London even if it meant putting them in a taxi for half an hour to see them just before she board the next flight. And this was the same for the other Gran kids and Great Grans in America. She was loved by all of them.
I want to say; May God Bless a keep you Vincent Regina Reggie Christopher David and La-Donna and all her other family members safe and well as they embark on a new beginning.
Gone too soon comes to mind but God knows she is smiling and whispering; who ever you are where ever you are.
keep reaching for the sky and continue to: Dare to Dream.
Rest in Peace Mom.
Name: Barry F
Location: UK
Submitted: Thu, 14 May 2009 15:39:54 GMT
Comments: I discoverd Viola when she came over to Brighton in the UK. I tried to see her every time she played. I will never forget speaking to her after one amazing performance when on finding out it was my birthday treated me a personal rendition of `Happy Birthday`.
An incredibly talented performer and a genuine and kind person.
I'll miss you Vi.
Name: Regina
Location: phoenix Az
Submitted: Thu, 14 May 2009 04:00:44 GMT
Comments: My Mom
you were such a great inspiration and always incourage me to do whatever my dreams inspired me to do. I will cherrish our time we spent in your last days and keep the sprit of positive thinking. I love you Mom and will miss you dearly.
Love your Daughter
Reach for the shy!!!!!!!
Name: Kathleen
Location: California
Submitted: Wed, 13 May 2009 23:36:36 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola Family
I just hear of Viola's passing much to my sadness. Viola came to San Francisco in the 80's at my request and kindly welcomed myself and others to the stage at Trocadero to express and share our mutual dedication to civil rights for all.
Godspeed Viola!
Much Love Kathleen
Name: Paul Williams
Location: Cape Cod USA formerly London
Submitted: Wed, 13 May 2009 22:50:53 GMT
Comments: I first met Vi when I interviewed her around the time of the `Soft Centers` album. Subsequently I worked with her as a publicist at Ariola in 1979 / 1980 after she had hit big with `Gonna Get Along Without You Now.` `If You Could Read My Mind` should have been such a big hit in the UK and believe me we tried real hard with that record. Still sounds great after 30 years. Great voice and a beautiful lady. And gone way too soon.
Paul W.
Name: Peter van Roomen
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Wed, 13 May 2009 18:02:11 GMT
Comments: Sadly I heard the news about Vi's passing away. Back in 2003 I contacted Vi to inform her about my plans of a disco-party she invited me to meet her at Antwerp where she performed together with the Supremes and Irene Cara. I was thrilled about her invitation to meet her. Together with my friend I went and she gave me a warm welcome and connected at once we had a wonderful evening the day and even went to the city the three of us. After that we contacted much on e-mail and we met after Antwerp a few times. One time she needed a place to stay for a few days and I offered a place to stay at my house. Although it was a hectic time then but for me it was unforgettable. After that she left to go back to the US to meet her family she was very fond of her family but didn't see them as much as she wanted. The time she was in the US the contact became less also due to her not being possible to have a computer at hand and now it becoms clear to me her illness.
Please let her family know the my thoughts are with them and her friends the moments I spend with her I will keep them in my heart.
Name: Alan Downing
Location: England
Submitted: Wed, 13 May 2009 08:30:33 GMT
Comments: RIP Viola - my wife and I have been married nearly 30 years and the song `I'm Gonna Get Along Without You Now` has always been our tune
Name: Dj Papi
Location: Houston TX
Submitted: Wed, 13 May 2009 07:39:43 GMT
Comments: What a great contribution to this world Miss Wills. You will be missed but never forgotten. Thank you for the great memories! -dj papi
Name: SUSY
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 23:04:22 GMT
Comments: VIOLA was a beautiful voice and inspiration and will be missed but not forgotten.
Name: Julie
Location: Bilbao
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 22:16:22 GMT
Comments: I'm so sorry for your loss. Viola's memory will remain forever in the hearts of those who love her. My thoughts and prayers are with all her family and friends.
I loved watching her singing with that beautiful smile on her face shining like the star she is.
Viola thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Name: Yvonne
Location: Miami FL
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 20:41:06 GMT
Comments: I am saddened to hear of the great Viola Wills' passing. She was a strong force in South Florida for those that grew up listening to her music during the best times disco. May she rest in peace and know that her music will live on forever especially in South Florida. Viola you will be truly missed!
Name: chris
Location: London UK
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 19:33:51 GMT
Comments: I met Viola through my partner Nik.c who Produced some of her recordings and have never met such a lovely lady and the long Journey form Manchester Pride all them years ago.
You will greatly missed Viola.
All your Family will be in my thoughts when they lay you to rest.
Name: jason prince
Location: london
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 19:00:36 GMT
Comments: I'm still in shock at the loss of such a beatiful lady inside and out.....So many memories so many happy times....So honoured to have produced Viola's last single and album. I owe so much of my career to Viola....an inspiration... A star through and through....I love you I'll miss you....Jason Prince (KLUBKIDZ)
Name: Kimberley/Trella
Location: Texas
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:38:47 GMT
Comments: Oh bright lovely star who has been removed from or view & touch all to soon.
Blessings peace & prayers to all touched & in pain. RIP sweet Viola you refreshed my spirit in life more times then I can say through your blessed gifts in music.
Name: stephan
Location: brighton england
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:34:45 GMT
Comments: Viola I will miss so much your amazing spirit and laughter and huge talent that lit everyone up I love you dearly I am proud to have known you as a dear friend and proud to see my make up on your album covers and to have been a part of your remarkable life. I love you so much and you will always be a part of me in my heart and when I hear your voice.Thank you for being you and I am only sorry that I have not seen you to share your worries and help you .Rest in Peace beautiful spiritual Lady x x x Love Stephan Miss Starlet or as you would say ''your baby'' x x
Name: Regina Lo aka DJ Regina
Location: Hawaii
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 17:39:24 GMT
Comments: I am saddened by the passing of Ms. Wills.
I first heard of Ms. Wills during the Disco Era back in '80. I totally loved her album `If You Could Read My Mind` which I still have today.
The world has lost a great Diva but her voice will live on for eternity.
Name: Daph
Location: Amsterdam The Netherlands
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:13:25 GMT
Comments: I just enjoyed your music on the radio where they made a special little tribute to you.
Wishing the whole family a lot of strength to cope with this loss.
Name: Hazell Dean
Location: London. England
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 12:57:12 GMT
Comments: So sad to hear of Viola's passing.
I was lucky enough to spend time with her both working and personally.
A truly lovely lady.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
With Love
Always Hazell Beki & Stevie xxx
Name: Justin K.
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 00:43:18 GMT
Comments: To Angela (Vi's granddaughter)...
Just wanted to let you know that I mailed you the article we talked about as well as CD recordings of the actual interview and a CD of rarities.
Again I wish the family strength and comfort knowing that Vi is surrounded by peace.
Name: joseph luna
Location: san francisco
Submitted: Tue, 12 May 2009 00:14:17 GMT
Comments: so sad to hear of this great loss...will never forget your FABULOUS entrance at the trocadero..`at night the stars put on a show for free` heaven has one more bright star...luv ya vi!!
Name: Craig B
Location: Brighton
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 23:23:19 GMT
Comments: So sorry to hear that Vi has passed away. It was a pleasure to meet you Viola and i'm very glad that Graham introduced us and i got to ask you about the Disco scene in NY and played you some music that thought would a good direction for you. If you could read my mind... sweet dreams Vi.
Craig xxx
(Graham please Hi if you see this 4500boy(at)gmail.com)
Name: Santiago Keppis
Location: Miami Florida
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 22:47:54 GMT
Comments: Lamento mucho la noticia tu muerte que
Dios te guarde y te tenga en su gloria.
siempre te recordaremos VIOLA ya que con
tu musica te hicistes parte de nuestra
vida con tu musica.
Name: Phil
Location: Birmingham UK
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 20:40:25 GMT
Comments: I only heard today about the sad passing of Viola on her Facebook fansite.
I'm truly sorry to hear this sad news.
Just a lasting pity that I never got to see Viola when she was in my hometown.
Rest in peace in heaven.
Name: Paul Hendriks
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 20:09:21 GMT
Comments: She was the best. I met her in the 90's when I was a dj in a club. She was singing some jingles for me. I always smiling a I hear her voice singing on the radio. Viola: thank you for your beautiful music! Goodbye from Holland from a big fan.
Name: Philip Kearney
Location: New York
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 18:03:54 GMT
Comments: I had the great priviledge to know Vi and watch over her during her many visits to New Orleans. She was always at her best onstage and moreover a wonderful sweet friend.
Vi was so insightful and perceptive and all who knew her will miss her friendship but will have her in our hearts and thankfully her music forever.
Have a peaceful Journey my friend.
Name: Vranz Van Maaren
Location: Naarden-Bussum Holland-Europe
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 17:51:43 GMT
Comments: I'm sorry.
Name: Andrew
Location: Cheshire
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 16:56:59 GMT
Comments: Bought the single Get along without you now when it was out all those years ago and still play it as it is one of my all time favourites. Good to hear it being played on Smoothe FM.Brings back happy memories of the Milionaire Club in Manchester where it was played a lot.
God Bless.
Name: Jane
Location: London England
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 16:52:39 GMT
Comments: I only heard yesterday about Viola's passing and it numbed me. Dare to Dream is one of my all time favourite songs and to learn that the lady behind the song has left us is hard to understand. But wherever heaven is there is one hell of a fantastic group of musicians performing and Viola can take the lead vocals.
God Bless Viola rest in peace.
Name: Peter van Roomen
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 16:37:53 GMT
Comments: The sad news about Vi's death has hit me bad as for 4 years ago I had the pleasure to meet Vi personally in Antwerp at a Studio 54 tribute party and we became friends. A few weeks after she visited my house and stayed a few days. After those days she left to go to her family in the US. The gift to hear her voice was a real treat not only the disco songs but also the jazz oriented music was great te hear through her voice....
My thoughts are with her family and friends a great loss but thankfull for the memories which are immortal....
Name: Sheldon
Location: Bellflower ca
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 15:24:31 GMT
Comments: I thank everyone for the love my Grandma would have been so happy to of seen all the fans and friends leave the nice words are family thanks you If anyone would like to be at the homecoming service it will be held on friday at 11am pst in los angeles if anyone would like to attend or went more info you may contact me at sheldongator@aol.com
Thanks Sheldon
Name: Graham Ward
Location: Nottingham England
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 12:54:38 GMT
Comments: God Bless Viola.
We have been very close friends since 1982 and shared so many good times.
She was my soulmate and I loved her very much.
The world is a far lesser place without her. She was unique a Star amongst Stars.
Rest in Peace sweetheart.
I will do what you told me.
All my love
Graham xxx
Name: John Kennedy
Location: Australia
Submitted: Mon, 11 May 2009 09:30:54 GMT
Comments: I was so sad and shocked to have just heard of Vi's sad passing. I emailed Viola last year telling her how much I loved her music. I was so thrilled when she wrote several personally written emails back to me. I told her how excited I was as a young fellow in Australia when her fantastic IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND record hit the import record stores (no downloads via the Internet back then!) Her emails made me feel special and I know she must have made a great many people feel special with her warmth and sincerity. You were a huge talent who will be greatly missed. Thank you for the wonderful music and the legacy you have left for us all to continue to enjoy. John and Conway
Name: Steve
Location: Shropshire England
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 23:33:36 GMT
Comments: Thanks For The Music...
Name: Dominic Lewis
Location: Palm Springs CA
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 22:19:41 GMT
Comments: Vi would be so proud and her kids should be so proud of her! So many wonderful tributes that says a lot about the life! I had the great thrill to meet Vi in Palm Springs at a private residence she sat and sang me a song I had a lot of fun nites spinning her tunes at the local nightclub I worked at in Connecticut and the thrill when I walked into the record store and saw another Viola release there just weren't enough of them! So Vi here's to you my glass is raised in your honor it was a thrill to know you and to know your music. And to her kids mom loved you she spoke so proudly of you.
Name: carlos
Location: spain (europe)
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 20:54:56 GMT
Comments: Viola....you will always be in my heart as you have always been in my life since I was a kid with your beautiful voice....
I know that the sky has now a new star that brights for all of us....the greatest star.
Viola 4Ever!
Name: John van Loon
Location: Oirschot Netherlands
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 18:40:40 GMT
Comments: First of all I would like to express my sincere condolences to Vi's family.
I was very sad and shocked when I heard the news of Vi's passing. Viola has been one of my most favourite artists of all times and I was privileged to have known her personally. A great artist with a wonderful voice but also a warm-hearted and strong woman. I will always treasure my meetings with Viola in Holland and the talks we had. Good times I will never forget.
Vi thank you for being a part of my life for so long. You will be in my heart forever!
Your friend John
Name: Justin K.
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 18:06:55 GMT
Comments: I first interviewed Vi in 2001 and I had the pleasure to meet her in person in 2003. Vi agreed to make a homemade video. The song is called `Keep on Comin'.` Although it's not one of her better-known recordings it was one of her personal favorites. We put on the record and she sang along to it.
The site won't allow me to post the link but just go to You Tube and type in Viola Wills Keep on Comin and you can see it!
Rest in peace sweet Vi:-)
Name: James Gigliello
Location: Formerly Brooklyn NY present in FT Lauderdale Fl.
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 17:17:45 GMT
Comments: Vi was the epitomy of a TRUE artist. She treated her fans with love and NEVER ever felt too big for her shoes like Diana Ross or Whitney Houston. You didn't have to worship her nor did she ever look down upon her fans. She was grateful to her fans and told them so MANY times. Vi was the consummate performer and I have seen her in many venues over the years.
She will live on in her music. One day we will all see her again on the other side where no doubt she is still entertaining. God Bless you Viola for giving us your gift and your love. We love you too so much. Until we all meet again... keep singing.
With Love... Jim
Name: Darryl Jansson
Location: San Francisco
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 16:08:39 GMT
Comments: Viola I am deeply saddened by the news of your passing. I will never forget the day we met in Palm Springs when you were performing solo on the piano at a club that no longer exists called Amnesia. During your set break you sat with me and my husband Dan and I had a CD of yours that you signed and I remember you were so shocked because it was a greatest hits CD and you had no idea it had even been released. You always had a special place in my heart and I was on cloud nine that entire evening. That evening will be something I will remember fondly for the rest of my life.
Much Love
Darryl Jansson
Name: Paul Tams
Location: UK
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 15:53:42 GMT
Comments: I'm very sad to hear the news of Vi's passing. She was a strong and talented woman who touched many in her life both through her music and with her spirit. It was a pleasure to have worked with her and have known her.
God Bless you Viola.
Name: DJ Les Vitelli
Location: Charlotte NC
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 15:41:24 GMT
Comments: You will be missed ! Your music has spanned decades....I will be doing a set of your music in your loving memory..
Name: Alec Hughes
Location: San Francisco CA
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 15:15:39 GMT
Comments: Vi you will be in our hearts forever! Your music has filled my life with joy and happiness for decades now and for many more to come. There will never be another - will all our love to you and your family for share your live and your voice with us.
Name: rob
Location: england
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 11:05:15 GMT
Comments: such very sad news. she was truly one of a kind. her memory will live forever in the timeless classic songs she has recorded . a wonderfull legacy to a simply fantastic vocalist. my thought in this very sad time are with her family. r.i.p viola you may have gone from this earth but you will never be forgotten
Name: Michael
Location: Germany
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:32:15 GMT
Comments: To Viola's family:
I would like to send you my deepest sympathies on your sad loss. It came as a great shock to hear of Viola's terrible illness and death. She'll be greatly missed by everybody who loved her music.
Yours sincerely
Name: George M Pokoati
Location: Papatoetoe Auckland New Zealand
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 08:43:16 GMT
Comments: My deepest sadness to your immediate and extened family. We love you Viola.
Not many people know you sang Starry Eyed. Another Fabulous song that should be mentioned.
Name: Jorge y Julieta Costra
Location: San Felipe - Venezuela
Submitted: Sun, 10 May 2009 02:24:22 GMT
Comments: Muy consternados por la desaparición de Viola. Ella estuvo en nuestro pais cuando se escuchaba y bailaba su gran exito `Gonna Get Along Without You`. Para mi esposa y para mi es y seguira siendo la canción que nos mantiene unidos y enamorados Gracias Viola y que Dios te Bendiga.
Name: Will Clarke
Location: Houston TX
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 22:42:24 GMT
Comments: So sorry to hear about Viola's passing. I feel like I lost a great friend. She will be so missed by all.
Name: Mark Pullen
Location: Newark - Notts - Engaland - uk
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 21:52:16 GMT
Comments: Many years as violas music been a great part of my life and touched my heart. I was saddened to hear the sad news....But your music will live with me throughout mine...God bless. xx
Name: Vernal Scott
Location: Hampstead London UK
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 20:40:28 GMT
Comments: Thank you Viola. Your love and fantastic music will live forever.
God bless you - rest in peace.
Name: Tonie Walsh
Location: Dublin & Clonmel Ireland
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 19:59:22 GMT
Comments: Dear Darling Vi
You graced us with your inestimable charm sassiness and amazing voice some many memorable times at Flikkers in Dublin's Hirschfeld Centre (and later at The George).
Bless you!
Always with us...
X Tonie
Name: James Hurr
Location: London UK
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 18:47:45 GMT
Comments: Vi you will truly be missed by all your friends in the UK... you were one of the greatest soul voices in the world a true friend and inspiration the world is now missing something special.
Name: Marc - Island City Music Ltd
Location: Ft Lauderdale FL
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 18:05:26 GMT
Comments: Vi's passing is the end of an era for me and she will truly be missed. She was a great singer and performer and I am truly honoured to have known and worked with her. She always knew that `Always Something There To remind Me` was my favourite and she would work it into her show for me. Now that will always remind me of Vi. Love Always Marc
Name: Sandro Coutinho
Location: Brazil
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 17:55:27 GMT
Comments: How sad! Viola's songs were a soundtrack of an essential part of my life.
Also she was such a charming lady. I clearly remember when she came to Brazil for promotion of `Gonna Get Along...`.
Thank you for everything Viola! Peace!
Name: Ross Alexander
Location: Eastbourne
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 17:51:49 GMT
Comments: I had no idea Viola was ill and I am truely shocked by her passing. She is a legend and brought so much joy into peoples lives with her music. She was a lovely lady and a joy to work with.
God bless Vi I will miss you xx
Name: Justin K.
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 17:35:15 GMT
Comments: I was so sad to learn on Thursday of Vi's passing. I spoke to her just a few weeks ago and knew she wasn't feeling so great; but I did not expect her to pass so soon after.
She was (and still is) a wonderful woman who was the most down-to-earth and cool artist I got to know. And aside from the disco remakes that many know and love her for she also wrote a slew of positive catchy and motivating songs which she beautifully sung. I can't think of many other artists in the genre she worked in that wrote so many great gems themselves!
I know that she is definitely singing with the angels on a high note now!
Name: Will Robinson
Location: UK
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 17:14:57 GMT
Comments: Viola was a legend her in the UK with countless disco classics Barry
White wrote and produced her first album but i will remember her for
her writing and when she played piano no artist has ever had the same
effect on me when Viola Wills accompanied herself of piano. Probably
one of the best songwriters I have ever worked with and a dear
You will always be in our heart.
Love Will & everyone at wrtalent
Name: Helmut Fritze
Location: Berlin
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 13:29:26 GMT
Comments: so sad very sad. still remember. I never forget this wonderful warm voice of the fantastic Viola Wills. rest in peace sleep in heaven. We will never forget her!
Name: Hans R. de Vries
Location: Delft The Netherlands
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 13:11:28 GMT
Comments: `Gonna Get Along With HER now...`
My condoleances to Miss Viola Wills' family.
This news reached me this morning through a dear friend. I am very sad about her loss. She was a hell of a singer and woman.
Name: b rian
Location: grimsby uk
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 12:06:14 GMT
Comments: so sad to hear off this most beautiful ladys passing so loved and missed xx
Name: Nik C
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 12:05:49 GMT
Comments: OMG such sad news my thoughts to all her family and friends such a talent and joy to work with will be missed a true disco diva
DJ Nik C. London UK
Name: keith Martin
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 11:51:56 GMT
Comments: So sad to hear the news of Viola's passing this week so many years on your song `Gonna get along without you now` is embraced whenever it is played thank you.
Name: Steve Fabus
Location: San Francisco
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 10:39:41 GMT
Comments: One of the greats. An icon. Thank you Viola!
Name: Angela
Location: Tempe Az
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 05:09:58 GMT
Comments: My grandmother was very happy on the stage. And I want to thank you all the fans for making her dreams come true!! THANK YOU!!! She was my best freind and always there for me. She will be well missed and the love is always there.
Name: Edward A.
Location: San Francisco
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 04:00:26 GMT
Comments: Viola was such a big part of the early 80's scene in the SF clubs. She will be missed.
Name: Michael
Location: New York City
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 03:34:34 GMT
Comments: If you could read my mind you would know I can't get along without now. I have always been grateful for that beautiful voice and all the nights I danced to your songs in San Francisco Los Angeles New York and Fort Lauderdale over these many years. Another star in the sky. You make all the others seem dim.
Name: Jay Payton
Location: Dallas Texas
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 03:14:52 GMT
Comments: Viola...Thanks for your wonderful contributions to the entertainment industry. You gave us classics that will live on forever. `Stormy Weather` `If You Could Read My Mind` `Love Pains` ect... You will be greatly missed..yet always and forever remembered.
Name: Jim (QUBIQ Jimmy C) Saccoman
Location: Phoenix AZ
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 00:52:32 GMT
Comments: The world lost a great talent. Not only was Viola an accomplished singer in Dance music she had recently gone back to her true first loves of Jazz and Gospel music with her Jazzspel project. Blessed with an amazing voice and her piano playing skills she stayed true to her vision no matter which genre no matter which venue.
Name: Olga and Maria
Location: United States
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 00:41:50 GMT
Comments: Viola you will be greatly missed. Your music and ways helped many of us achive our goals. Your music IS an inspiration. RIP... and let your voice be heard at a new venue. We love you!!!
Location: MESA AZ
Submitted: Sat, 09 May 2009 00:17:12 GMT
Name: Ceevox
Location: South Beach Florida
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 23:47:26 GMT
Comments: You will be missed..
Name: DJ Disco Kid Cosmo 94.1 FM
Location: San German Puerto Rico
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 23:46:49 GMT
Comments: Another angel goes to be with are Lord Viola will make them dance. We will miss her down here. RIP.
Name: DJ Tim Pflueger
Location: New Orleans La
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 23:30:57 GMT
Comments: Sorry To Hear Of Your Passing Hugs And Luvs Too All Your Family Members and Hope It Brings Peace & Blessing Too All.
I Remember the Summer ` If You Read My Mind Came Out ` It was One Of The Best Summers Of My Life ! And I Will Make Sure I Play It Every Nite On One Of My Sets. Thanks For A great Music and Dance Memories Of All Your Music. Rest In The Arms Of Angels.
Name: Charles Harden
Location: Ridgefield Park NJ
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 23:15:24 GMT
Comments: Viola Wills you was remarkable I enjoyed her style and loved her music. Although gone she shall live on through her music forever. And in our hearts your passion will live.
Name: Hillery
Location: Atlanta
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 22:40:51 GMT
Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Just know that Viola gave joy to so many people. `Stormy Weather` and `If You Could Read My Mind` are like old friends and always make me feel better when I hear them. Peace and comfort to you all.
Name: John
Location: Atlanta
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 22:28:58 GMT
Comments: When I was first getting into the clubs (around the year 2000!) `If You Could Read My Mind` was my absolute FAVORITE song! I have so many fond memories dancing to that song and the remixes playing it in the car to Vegas. Viola and her music added to those memories. Rest in pece.
Name: Philip Hall
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 21:52:15 GMT
Comments: I am very saddened to hear this news of the passing of Viola. I have been a fan myself since the 70's and her music was part of the soundtrack of my life. I will always remember her.
My sincerest condolences to her family & everyone that knew her. She was a great icon and vocalist.
RIP Viola
Name: Josef
Location: Brighton UK
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 21:17:14 GMT
Comments: So sorry to hear this very sad news.
R.I.P Viola you will never be forgotten.
Name: Benjamin Ferrer
Location: Miami Florida
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 20:05:35 GMT
Comments: Our prayers are with you and your family. You and your music will inspire and live on forever. sincerely.. Ben Owner of xclusiverecords.com
Name: Charles Balkcom
Location: Ft Lauderdale
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 20:01:16 GMT
Comments: I am sorry for the family's loss. What joy her voice has given me over the years. You must all be proud of someone so talented and so willing to share her talent around with all of us. Indeed we will have to get along without her now.
Name: David Marine
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 19:32:07 GMT
Comments: One of my initiations as a DJ was learning the `proper` way to use two vinyl copies of `If You Could Read My Mind` a song that will always remind me of my first love. Throughout my career those two copies traveled the globe with me as I and countless others brought joy and pathos to the dance floor with Viola's extraordinary vocals. When I met Viola in person she was lovely and gracious poised and professional. I hope that her family and loved ones find some peace in knowing that her music will endure.
Name: DJ David Strong
Location: Dublin Ireland
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 19:12:25 GMT
Comments: I had the pleasure of meeting Viola in 1988 in Dublin when she performed at 'Flikkers' Nightclub and I was the DJ at the club. A True Star and constant Professional and a wonderful warm caring giving woman and Icon. I will miss you but you will live through your music for years to come.
Name: Rory O'Neill
Location: Gosport.UK
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 18:51:21 GMT
Comments: Always a performer you could rely on for a true performance!She will be sadly missed.
Name: Marc
Location: L.A.
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 18:38:57 GMT
Comments: I always thought she would have been a better back-up singer than a headliner.
Name: Its Bifster
Location: West Coast
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 18:23:25 GMT
Comments: She was a true star. Her humor joyful spirit and generosity was amazing. I have thought of her many times over the years and still listen to her records regularly.
She was kind and sweet to this little street urchin - she gave me hope and inspired me - I will never forget her.
Viola - You were one in a billion.
Huge props and all my love sister!
Name: Elouise
Location: Glendale AZ
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 18:18:20 GMT
Comments: You were a lovely person and I will miss you.
Name: Tom Trenchard
Location: New Orleans Louisiana
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 17:45:09 GMT
Comments: I got to meet Vi on a cruise back in 1992. She was the sweetest person. I've been a fan since the late 70's and have nearly all of her recordings. A terrific lady and wonderful performer...I will miss her VERY much.
Name: Ron
Location: dallas tx
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 16:57:50 GMT
Comments: the dj played `read my mind` last week at the club. danced and sang along with friends to this glorious record one of the greatest of all time by one of the greats. she will sing forever! long live viola wills!
Name: nick
Location: Glasgow
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 16:54:27 GMT
Comments: Sorry to hear of this sad news.
Name: Veit Kenner
Location: Hamburg Germany
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 16:00:26 GMT
Comments: Viola Wills always has been one of my favourite singers since `If You Could Read My Mind`. I want to express my deepest feelings to the family and thank her for all her wonderful music. Peace.
Name: Jeanie Tracy
Location: California
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 15:28:39 GMT
Comments: Oh Wow I am so stunned to hear of Vi's passing but I know she will be singing with the heavenly angels now. Vi was a wonderful wonderful singer and lot's of fun. I had the pleasure of working with her on several shows and we certainly had a great time. I pray for her family's strength at this time of bereavement..she is going to be missed greatly but her music and spirit will live on forever!!!
Name: Linda Clifford
Location: Chicago Illinois
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 13:39:38 GMT
Comments: My Dear Friend
I am at a loss for words. I was Blessed to have known and occasionally work with you. Know that you are loved.
Linda C.
Name: Dj Mila
Location: Brescia Italy
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 13:19:54 GMT
Comments: R.I.P.
Name: John
Location: San Antonio
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 13:15:31 GMT
Comments: I was fortunate to work with Viola in San Antonio during the early 90's. She performed at the Bonham Exchange with Linda Clifford and Pamala Stanley what a night that was. She was down-to-earth and so willing to make friends with everyone. We miss her..
Name: matt
Location: long beach
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 13:09:51 GMT
Comments: You were so truly loved by so many and will forever continue to be. With love and prayers to your family thank you for touching us with your beauty and music. We love you Viola!!!!
Name: Belinda
Location: Miami Florida
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 12:51:42 GMT
Comments: RIP.. may your music live on forever here on earth and also in heaven!
Name: Blaine L. Berkowitz Esq MBE FRSA
Location: Greensboro NC
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 12:31:53 GMT
Comments: I was very sad to hear of Viola's passing. She was a great singer and performer! I love all her music and sawed her perform at The Saint in NYC. She was fabulous!!! I even passed on her the street from time to time.. She will be missed!!
Name: mark thomas
Location: baltimore maryland
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 12:24:42 GMT
Comments: what a loss to the gay community which she has always had high standing! I did not know of her suffering. I am saddened with this news but will continue to spin her songs until my own demise. May God Bless Her Soul! xo
Name: Dj Fannelli
Location: West Plm Beach Fla.
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 12:23:50 GMT
Comments: It's so sad to hear that Viola has passed on. I am at a lost for words...
She will live on through her wonderful music.
Rest in peace my love
Name: Soul-Boy
Location: UK
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 12:04:45 GMT
Comments: Such sad news to hear of Viola's passing. A beautiful woman and a beautiful voice who will be sorely missed. Her spirit will live on within all the great music she left us. My sincere condolences to all her family friends and fans..God Bless & R.I.P.
Name: DJ Robbie Leslie
Location: Fort Lauderdale FL
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 11:58:48 GMT
Comments: God bless Viola Wills. A true legend in the pantheon of Disco Divas. Her voice was stunning and unmistakable. Her poise and charms were endearing and disarming. I am so fortunate to have worked with her many times around the country.
Name: Michael Yeager and Richard Svec
Location: North Brunswick NJ
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 11:58:21 GMT
Comments: Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice and music with the world. Your contribution is timeless and always brings a loud cheer on the dance floor when you music is played.
God bless
Name: Mark
Location: UK
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 11:16:53 GMT
Comments: I'm so sad to hear that Vi has passed over. Thanks to a wonderful friend of Vi's in Canada who told me about her playing in Brighton I went to see her at Joogleberry's there and she was fabulous. She spent time chatting to us afterwards and was a real lady something that is too seldom seen amongst artists these days. Vi wherever you are now I know that you will be spreading joy and love to those around you. My thoughts and deepest sympathy are with your family and friends at this saddest of times.
Name: Rigo Garcia
Location: Miami
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 08:54:13 GMT
Comments: I met Vi when I was a 15 year old kid with a dream of being in the music business 25 years later because of good people like Viola who gave an inspiring booking agent a shot I had my dreams realized.
There are no words that can express the sadness that I am feeling right now Vi was not only a tremendous talent but a better human being and friend I fed off her strength and positive energy which helped me become a better person.
Thank you Vi for the many incredible performances you gave Miami and the world.
Her music will always live on and she shall never be forgotten.
My deepest condolences goes out to her friends and family.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 08:20:59 GMT
Comments: I am heartbroken to hear that our beloved Viola has passed away. The information I received from her grandson Jermaine is that she passed away on Wednesday in Phoenix. If any of you have any further information please contact me as I want to pass this on to various organisations here in the UK where Viola spent much of her career. It would be helpful in getting some of the radio stations to mention this and play her records in memory of this wonderful singer songwriter. She gave so many of us so much and her music and live performances played such an important part in many of our lives. I pray she is at peace now.
My sincere condolences to her family and friends all over the world. Patrick Neville
Name: Bob Brunson
Location: Mobile AL
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 08:07:48 GMT
Comments: I want to express my heartfelt sympathy to Vi's family. Working with Vi throughout the years was an honor and a great pleasure. Her music brought much happiness to so many individuals and she was not only a great artist but a great individual and a joy to work with. Not many artists give it their all in every performance but each time I had the pleasure of working with Viola she gave her heart and talent to its fullest extent. My heart is with all of you and she will be greatly missed. I feel truly blessed to have known her and am deeply saddened by this loss.
Bob Brunson
Name: Gail
Location: Glendale AZ
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 03:32:13 GMT
Comments: I did not know Viola long but in a very short time she became very important to me. I know that all the people that knew her from Tanner Terrace will miss her deeply. She was a special person. My deepest sympathies to her family
Name: Barry Ginny Rob
Location: UK Midlands
Submitted: Fri, 08 May 2009 03:28:22 GMT
Comments: So so sad to hear of your passing. There is one more star in heaven tonight.
Our heartfelt sympathy to your family and friends at this time.
Love and peace always.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Wed, 06 May 2009 13:58:28 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
I was just thinking of you and thought I would say hello and hop you are very well.
Take care always
Much love
Name: Byron Landiss Graves
Location: Houston Texas U.S.A.
Submitted: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 20:13:55 GMT
Comments: Viola
I have to say EVERY song that you sing is a song that I LOVE! SO many great memories you have given me - I cannot begin to say `thank you!`
I will always be a fan and a friend
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 14:44:21 GMT
Comments: Dearest Viola
I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and 1 want to wish you all the best for your birthday and new year. Recently received a copy of th latest remixes of 'Dare To Dream' on Harlequin Records from USA. Hope all is going good for you and glad to see all the messages of love on the guestbook for you including Jermaine's must catch up with him soon. Love to hear from you via e-mail if you get a moment.
Love always
Name: Jermaine Ivey
Location: London England
Submitted: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:34:41 GMT
Comments: Just saying hi and enjoy your festive season/birthday.
Love you always xx
Your grandson
Name: Jermaine - your grandson!!!
Location: London England
Submitted: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:33:49 GMT
Comments: Just saying hi and enjoy your festive season/birthday.
Love you always xx
Name: Rigo
Location: Miami
Submitted: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 11:10:18 GMT
Comments: Hi Vi hope all is well with you and may you have a blessed holiday.
It was always a pleasure working with you and hope to work with you soon on a project I am planning for March 09.
I'll email you the details soon.
Much love!
Name: WeeZie
Location: usa
Submitted: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 01:20:51 GMT
Comments: i love your voice so much and the way you redone this song. i first heard it at a stonelove anniversary party in the nineties. i could not figure out who you were. i just found you. you have been in my head all this time.
love from an invisible fan.
Name: sue popper
Location: brighton
Submitted: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 11:33:45 GMT
Comments: yes brighton could definitely do with some viola magic! thank you for your beautiful music vi more please!!
Name: Steve Brown
Location: Brighton
Submitted: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 18:54:20 GMT
Comments: Brighton aint the same without you Vi. When you comin back. steve xxx
Name: George Woods
Location: San Antonio Texas
Submitted: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 21:20:24 GMT
Comments: Trying to email Miss Wills. We need an email address we can send an `invitation` to her at. We are planning a DIsco Ball for August 22 2009 at The SAINT Nightclub here in San Antonio. Trying to get ini touch with her about booking fees etc.
BEAT AIDS Coalitio Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization working with people addected by and with the HIV/AIDS virus.
Any help getting in touch with Miss Wills would be gratefully appreciated.
George Woods
601 N. Santa Rosa Ave. #I-6
San Antonio TX 78207
(210) 426-6338
Name: Allan
Location: Germany
Submitted: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 21:50:24 GMT
Comments: `Gonna get along` still does it for me. Thanks Viola - be happy
Name: Stefan
Location: Cape Town South Africa
Submitted: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 18:48:22 GMT
Comments: I had just finished school around 1979 so the disco fever was really set in. Gonna get along with out you has always been one of my favourites over the decades and of course `up on the roof` and `If you could read my mind` are running close as well. Best wishes from Africa
Name: paulbatterson
Location: staines middlesex
Submitted: Sun, 07 Sep 2008 15:58:53 GMT
Comments: Hello
i by chance found your cd 'dare to dream' in my old collection i had forgotten how good it was and now i cant stop playing it!! its wonderful can you re-release it?
a big fan x
Name: Greg
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 20:17:39 GMT
Comments: I'll never forget the first time I heard you sing. You are one of the greatest!
Name: Danilo Augusto
Location: São Paulo- Brazil
Submitted: Sun, 03 Aug 2008 05:30:58 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola Another day i found here in São Paulo your import cd Dare To Dream and i bought it . The songs are very good and your voice is amazing as always . I hope one day they release the If You Coul Read My Mind album on cd . Kisses Danilo
Name: John McWilliam
Location: Scotland
Submitted: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 18:01:31 GMT
Comments: A couple of years ago in Blackpool Miss Wills appeared in Flamingo's niteclub 2 which i was privvy 2. I ended up on stage singing & dancing with the legend. It forever changed my life. So thank you...... you are my `Secret Love` .... ooh ooh i had a secret XXXX
Name: Vincent Wolfe
Location: Toronto Canada
Submitted: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:46:21 GMT
Comments: Just listening to and loving you Vi! It was such a thrill to finally meet and hang out with you (and chauffeur you around) when you were here last September. I so enjoyed our chats and your insights into the music biz. You have given us all so much with your gift of song (and your writing) and I know there was a price to pay...as is almost always the case with this business. Thanks for your care and kind words too about my music. I still `dare to dream` that we will work on something jazzy and soulful together in the near future.
Stay well and again sending you tons of love and respect from Canada!
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 15:09:35 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
I hope you are well and send you my very best wishes. Take care of yourself. Love the messages from everyone to you. You are dearly treasured by your fans all over the world and remind all of us of our happy carefree days yesterday and today. Love you always Patrick
Bronnie Viola has sadly left us for Cat Heaven but we will always love her and remember her with joy.x
Name: Daniel Aiello
Location: Sacramento California
Submitted: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 20:09:10 GMT
Comments: It was a house full of friends our family on Hartford Street in the Castro. Each claimed a Diva to call his own. Always the most clever I claimed allegiance to Miss Viola Wills after hearing her version of `Both Sides Now.` Sadly most of those friends are now gone. But I'm happy to say that Ms. Wills carries on and for me carries with her the banner of those carefree days; T-Dance at the I-Beam Saturday Night at the Trocadero and Danseparc. Thank you Ms. Wills for a lifetime would not be long enough to forget the way I felt dancing to your music!
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 23 May 2008 15:46:36 GMT
Comments: Dearest Viola
I was just thinking of you and wanted to say hello and hope all is well for you.
I will be playing some of your music at home over the weekend and am looking forward to it.
Lots of love
Name: Kurt
Location: New York City
Submitted: Sat, 05 Apr 2008 00:18:16 GMT
Name: Karl
Location: Fort Lauderdale
Submitted: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:27:27 GMT
Comments: Saw you for the first time at the Marlin Beach Hotel in Fort Lauderdale in 1980. A man got up on the stage and started to dance with you. Security removed him and the show went on. What a great night. Again I saw you a couple of years ago in Miami where the crowd had aged a little bit. You were there with the Trammps Gloria Gaynor and Fran Joli. Of course I came only to see you! Love ya Karl...
Name: Paul Alan
Location: Detroit Suburbs
Submitted: Sun, 16 Mar 2008 17:46:57 GMT
Comments: Hello to EVERYONE!
Been a fan of Viola's for years and we met once when she did a show at the club I was working at back in the late 80's. Terriffic lady wonderful voice. Here's the question that's been haunting me for MANY years now: Back in the early '80's I was in a club and they had a video remix service playing of Viola's `Stormy Weather`. There was no footage of Viola herself but an AWESOME mash-up of vintage black and white horror film clips played to the long version of `Stormy Weather`. I am in search of that particular clip for my own personal collection. CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT HERE? I know I didn't dream this and it DOES exist - probably on 3/4 inch studio tape as that is what they used back then. I would LOVE to get my hands on that video!
Thanks !
Name: Paul
Location: South Africa
Submitted: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 20:30:14 GMT
Comments: If there has ever been anyone in the music world that has made such an impact on my life it terms of music memories it has to be you Viola - I have mailed you once before a while back (few years! sheesh time flies) - I started off listening to you in the good old clubbing days in the 80's with `if you could read my mind` `always something there to remind me` and `up on the roof` - To this day I play a CD that I have had made from the original vinyl I bought all those years ago!!! and the memories come flooding back. Then there was a trio of songs you did called Rainbow Trilogy - I scoured the internet for months until I found a vinyl (somewhere over the rainbow!) paid a handsome price but worth it. Thank you so much for being a part of my memories - may you go from strength to strength as you do after all these year.
Love and good health
Name: Pedro Carlos
Location: Portugal
Submitted: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 22:07:57 GMT
Comments: You've helped more than you will ever know... Love you
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:09:25 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
I want to wish you a very happy Christmas and good luck for 2008. I hope you are very well and just wanted to tell you I think of you always and love you very much. You give so much joy through your musicso you deserve it in return in your own life.
Happy Christmas
Love always from Patrick and Brian and the Cat Family including Bronnie Viola.
Name: Ricky
Location: Brazil
Submitted: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 03:15:46 GMT
Comments: Your hit `if you could read my mind` was one of the top 5 most special songs I remember from the early 80's when I lived in the Netherlands. I did not hear it since then but accidentally found it on youtube. It made me feel very good to hear it again.
Name: Shawn
Location: Miami FL
Submitted: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:28:44 GMT
Comments: I am so glad to have found your website! You have an incredible voice and I remember your hits....especially 'Up on the Roof' and 'Gonna Get Along Without Your Love'...even think you did 'Secret Love' but can't find it?? Thanks for your gift and will continue to enjoy your hits over the years!
Name: Shawn
Location: Miami FL
Submitted: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 07:28:22 GMT
Comments: I am so glad to have found your website! You have an incredible voice and I remember your hits....especially 'Up on the Roof' and 'Gonna Get Along Without Your Love'...even think you did 'Secret Love' but can't find it?? Thanks for your gift and will continue to enjoy your hits over the years!
Name: Alonso
Location: peru
Submitted: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 02:12:18 GMT
Comments: forever wonderful
Name: Jean-Paul Prieur
Location: Ottawa Canada
Submitted: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:43:28 GMT
Comments: Greetings from Canada Viola!
I just wanted to say that I love your music. I particularly liked one of your earlier albums Viola Wills - If You Could Read My Mind which I have and play to this day. To think I have had it in my collection 27 years.
Health and happiness to you.
P.S. I also have Hazeldean and Miquel Brown's music. Talk about talent you gals rock!
Name: John
Location: Palm Springs California USA
Submitted: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 01:30:57 GMT
Comments: Girl now I know it's been a while since we talked. I hope the number on your site is current because tonight we chat.
Love Ya
Name: carlos
Location: Spain
Submitted: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 18:48:57 GMT
Comments: Viola!
I´ve always admired you you are a great artist with a great voice...I don´t stop playing your songs at home...and it´s been for so many years!
I wish you peace health and love.
Viola Forever!
Name: Gil
Location: NYC
Submitted: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 23:53:58 GMT
Comments: Viola I spent many a night dancing to your fabulous songs. I loved seeing you at the Saint in the 80s! Keep on truckin'!
Name: sheldon wills
Location: trinidadand tobago
Submitted: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:20:40 GMT
Comments: the last name says it all everybody who carrys it can sing i am a singer as well keep up the good works
Name: yhonnathan roca
Location: venezuela
Submitted: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 03:08:14 GMT
Comments: hi viola¡¡¡ -.- you are a great singer ¡¡-.- i will want a new song ¡¡ -.- and you have to a myspace ¡¡ jaja-.- well-.- bye-.-
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 11:45:28 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola.
I was thinking of you today so I thought I must say hello. I hope you are well and life is good for you today. Love you always Patrick x
Name: zappy
Location: amsterdam
Submitted: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 13:56:16 GMT
Comments: Hey just discovered you via DAZ. You are on their homepage today! http://daz.com/artists/Viola%20Wills.html
Great music...hope you come to Holland sometime
Name: ben
Location: south coast u.k.
Submitted: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 19:05:52 GMT
Comments: havin a surf and found your website was a pleasure to meet and hear you in brighton a while back soft centres certainly contains some gems.
Name: Luc Soens
Location: Kortrijk/BELGIUM
Submitted: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 16:32:36 GMT
Comments: Hello Viola
Fine to have found your official web-site. I have always been such a big fan. Starting with your `gonna get along... till your to-day hits.
Your music was fantastic and what a voice !!!
Name: Robert Murrayson
Location: London
Submitted: Wed, 09 May 2007 14:44:13 GMT
Comments: have always been a huge fan of your voice - is it true that you are featured in a new musical show heading to London in June - shame its just your voice and not you in person - guess all us viola fans will just have to go and listen
Name: Tia.
Location: Auckland New Zealand.
Submitted: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:41:33 GMT
Comments: Hello i love viola wills songs but in this country getting anything of her's is vertually impossible i remember back in the late 70s i had the LP if you could read my mind its been so long but im sure that was the name of it with songs like GONNA GET ALONG WITHOUT YOU NOW STARRY-EYED and of course the tittled song i wish i could find that same LP but on CD instead Viola Wills is great.
Name: patrick.neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 17:16:50 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
It's been a long time since I last e-mailed so here's wishing you a happy Easter from London. I have been listening to your music earlier today and was reminded how beautiful your last album recorded in Brighton with you Jazzspel project is. I feel very privileged to have a been given a copy of it by you. I hope you are keeping well and I send all my best wishes and love to you today. Patrick
Name: ronny
Location: vienna austria
Submitted: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 14:11:18 GMT
Comments: dear viola! i love your music i love your voice i love your movements! the song: gonna get along without you now -is the best song ever ... you can take it from me - viola you make me happy! all my best wishes for you ron (27) vienna austria
Name: TONI
Location: VA.
Submitted: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 17:39:58 GMT
Comments: First I'd like to say back inthe 80's is when I was 1st introduced to your music. and you had a wonderful sound then I have not heard any of your recent music althought I'm sure it is just as great! I have been in search of your songs IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND AS WELL AS ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE TO REMIND ME. Can someone please tell me how I can get my hands on these recordings.
Name: Gary Susko
Location: Fortlauderdale Fl
Submitted: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 13:07:24 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola Gary manger from the Club TUNE'Z in Sunrise great to see your doing well love your new song stay well your long time fan all your songs are a 10 + your friend Gary
Name: Peter van Roomen
Location: Roosendaal Netherlands
Submitted: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 19:09:28 GMT
Comments: Hi Vi
I hope all is well long time sonce we spoke last few years were pretty hectic but we managed to get through please let us all know you're doing ok love and hugs from me Ronnie Daniel Klaas and all the rest xx
Name: Cor
Location: Nederland
Submitted: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 22:55:37 GMT
Comments: Hi Vi
It brings back a lot of good memories from the late 80's when we were touring holland in an old Mercedes-Benz smelling like a doghouse!
But it was GREAT and to me it was BIG FUN !
If you still (want to) remember it give me a little note at my email and we'll get in touch.
Name: g
Location: nyc
Submitted: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 01:47:16 GMT
Comments: Have very fond memories of my youth at the Saint dancing to your music. So glad that you are still singing your wonderful tunes.
Name: Theo
Location: Amsterdam Holland
Submitted: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 13:06:52 GMT
Comments: Viola
I was looking throught some albums from my younger days and I was glad to find youre name the memorys came back that you have made a big impression of beauty as a women. thats why black women still steal my heart...
youre a great women!
I wish all the best for you in 2007.
Name: Neil
Location: Manchester UK
Submitted: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 19:28:17 GMT
Comments: Viola
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the best wishes for 2007
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 17:41:39 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
I am writing to wish you a very happy Christmas and to wish you only the best for 2007. It's a pleasure for all of us to be fans of yours and I would again like to thank you for all the years of fantastic songs you have both written and recorded.
Love you always
Patrick and Brian.
Name: John Moutsopoulos
Location: Athens Greece
Submitted: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:09:35 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola!
Through the years I still remain a great fan. Looking forward to the release of your double greatest hits CD!
Keep up the good work!
Name: Rene Passchier
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 17:32:33 GMT
Comments: Thanks for de hapiness you bring into our lifes with your music.
Rene Muriel & Marie-Fleur Passchier
Name: Neil
Location: manchester UK
Submitted: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 18:32:37 GMT
Comments: Hi Vi
I hope you keeping ok !
Just bought a rare 12` copy of your 80s release `dare to Dream` - It has always been one of my favourite tracks
Name: Kenneth Neely
Location: Adelaide Australia
Submitted: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 04:22:36 GMT
Comments: I have one of your very first albums on vinyl featuring `Going to get along with out you now` and the rest of your album is just stunning. Can't wait to get the Gayfest 2006 CD.
Love you.
Name: Jon Tomas
Location: NYC
Submitted: Sat, 09 Sep 2006 18:13:51 GMT
Comments: V you are still the best and you look great!Take that from a gay man that knows what beauty is- Wish you all the best and may the spirit be with you always!! Love u-
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London NW6
Submitted: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 10:04:29 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
Hope you are very well. I just wanted to let you know that I met Jermaine recently and he is very well. We had a very nice time and it was great to see him again.
Take care of yourself and love always
from Patrick
Name: michel
Location: France
Submitted: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 19:35:55 GMT
Comments: (Sorry for my english)
I'm very happy to discover at last this site!Viola is a beautiful singer with an amazing voice.I like all of her songs but infortunatly i have only find a Cd of Viola Wills in my city.I will have to go to Paris to find others CD or i'll buy them with internet.I like very much `gonna get...``if you could read...``Both side...``Stormy weather``A house is not a home``Dare to dream``what now my love``over the raimbow`and many more.Thank you Viola for your voice!I hope it will have others single and anthologie with all the Viola Wills songs!A french fan.
Name: Lambert Claudine
Location: West Vlaanderen --- Belgium
Submitted: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 18:30:35 GMT
Comments: Hello Vi
It just came to my attension that you're comming this way now on the 21e in the hangar in Ostend...I hope that I can be there to becouse you're music is not the beginning ...it's the end !!!!
I love it !!! Have a nice life..enjoy x Big huggg...
Name: Danilo Augusto
Location: Sáo Paulo---Brazil
Submitted: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 03:57:38 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola i've been your fan for a long time . Recently i bought the Essential Viola Wills cd and i loved it . Your voice is better than ever. It's wonderful to know that such great singers like you are still recording. Thank you for sharing your talent with us your fans .I wish you success and happiness . Kisses . Danilo
Name: Pat
Location: Paris - France
Submitted: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 18:19:33 GMT
Comments: Merci Viola pour ta chanson `Gonna get along without you` je l'adore.
Name: James Perretta
Location: NYC
Submitted: Tue, 30 May 2006 17:57:48 GMT
Comments: There is Barbra there is Donna there is Gloria...BUT there is only one VIOLA!!!!....and thank GOD for the voice that rises from this lovely lady!!!
Name: robin breanda
Location: La Quinta California
Submitted: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 02:32:49 GMT
Comments: Where are you girl! You look sensational. Looks like all is going well for you. Hope to hear from you soon. Check your email.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 19:36:33 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
Great to see your latest 2 CD set in the shops here in London. 'The Essential Viola Wills' was released last Monday on Klone Records CDKOPY165. Love your own song 'Who I Am Is Who I Am' plus new dance versions of lots of your hits. Nobody sings the standards like you do.
Love from Patrick
Name: Bob Brunson
Location: Daphne AL
Submitted: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 03:38:11 GMT
Comments: Hey Vi
Hope all is well girl. Love the new song. Hope to see you in the near future.
Love ya
Name: Vanessa ria
Location: Miami
Submitted: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:53:32 GMT
Hey Viola,
Heard lots about your trip when you were here in Miami. Your HOMOTHUGS send lots of love and kisses. They said you
Name: Bob Brunson
Location: Daphne, AL
Submitted: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:26:12 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola, Hope you
Name: Desianee
Location: New Zealand
Submitted: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 11:01:57 GMT
Comments: OMG! Hi Viola i am such a big fan of yours i love your Muzik im 17 yrs old and what can i say your muzik is still pumpin i exspecially love your song Gonna Get Along Without You Now Omg tht is 1 of my Favourite songs i have to listen to that every I was brought up from a lil girl listning to your muzik its just awsome! So if i can get in touch with you A.S.A.P that would be Gr8! My email Address is lil_mizz_eastrix@hotmail.com feel free to email or chat to me! MUCH LOVE DESIANEE!
Name: Desianee
Location: New Zealand
Submitted: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 10:59:50 GMT
Comments: OMG! Hi Viola i am such a big fan of yours i love your Muzik im 17 yrs old and what can i say your muzik is still pumpin i exspecially love your song Gonna Get Along Without You Now Omg tht is 1 of my Favourite songs i have to listen to that every I was brought up from a lil girl listning to your muzik its just awsome! So if i can get in touch with you A.S.A.P that would be Gr8! My email Address is lil_mizz_eastrix@hotmail.com feel free to email or chat to me! MUCH LOVE DESIANEE!
Name: Tony West
Location: Dallas Texas
Submitted: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 16:39:23 GMT
Comments: I love your music. I hope one day that you will release your "Rainbow Trilogy" on cd. This was the song that combined Ebb Tide/Over The Rainbow/Both Sides Now.
Name: Carol Jiani "Hit and Run Lover"
Submitted: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 23:23:25 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
Hope you are well, last time l spoke to you so many years ago in the states
l am also based here in the uk
Name: Carol Jiani "hit and Run Lover"
Location: colchester England
Submitted: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 23:15:44 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
Hope you are well, last time l spoke to you was somewhere in the states while l was on tour l
Name: Arron The Baron
Location: Brighton Uk
Submitted: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:48:09 GMT
Comments: Hey Vi
happy christmas & new year. Hope you
Name: Patrick Berre
Location: Antony (France)
Submitted: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 18:17:29 GMT
Comments: I am very interested in your song "gonna get along without you now".I know it since 1984 and I like very much this song.
Thank you and friendly yours.
Name: Dave
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Submitted: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:27:21 GMT
Comments: Well Vi,
What can I say - OMG , your new single is just fabtastic - its gonna be huge - I ordered my copy already xxxx
Hi from all your Irish fans. I saw you in the George in Dublin 2 years ago When you gonna come and see us soon babe?
Dave xxx
Name: Juan Carlos Santome
Location: Muchos besos desde Canarias
Submitted: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 20:00:51 GMT
Comments: Eres grande,Viola!
Te mando muchos besos desde canarias donde nos vimos hace tan solo 9 mese en el carnaval.
Tu amigo
Juan Carlos
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:43:25 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
Delighted to hear you have a new single out. I am loooking forward to hearing it. Hope all is well for you.
Love always
Name: Luiz Carlos Caparroz
Location: Sao Paulo Brazil
Submitted: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 02:24:32 GMT
Comments: I love you, you will always be our largest Queen. GOD in JESUS always blesses you, always. Luiz Carlos Brazil
Name: Luiz Carlos Caparroz
Location: Sao Paulo - Brazil
Submitted: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 02:21:37 GMT
Comments: Viola, I love you !!!! you will always be our great queen ! !
Name: Lilian
Location: Beeston
Submitted: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:02:43 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola,
Hope that we can do something together next year.
trust that all is well.
Love Lilian
Name: Douglas Bohannon
Location: Richmond VA
Submitted: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 02:41:38 GMT
Comments: hI Vi
Love your music and am glad to know that you are still going strong you have me for a fan for life so take care and i will be puying the new cds when they come out
Name: Alan Booth
Location: Rotherham South Yorks
Submitted: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 22:43:28 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola,
I just wanted to say,
Gonna Get Along Without You Now, is one of my all time favourite songs. It sounds just as good now, as it did way back in 1979.When I first heared it in the Aquarius Nightclub, Chesterfield.
Take good care, Viola,
Name: Dane
Location: California Valley- Fresno
Submitted: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 21:23:22 GMT
Comments: Dear Ms. Wills,
I am most desperate to hear you in concert of any sort of venue. I have enjoyed your music for many years. I have always compared other artist to you as you are and will always be my favorite artist. Looking forward to your concert in the California area one day.
Yours kindly, Dreamfan-Dane
Name: Marc Massive
Location: london
Submitted: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 12:34:47 GMT
Comments: Really looking forward to your performance at PopCell
Location: new orleans
Submitted: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 12:38:40 GMT
Comments: Just wanna say Vi that you & jacquii Cann doing "Sisters are doing it for themselves" is RED HOT!It is great to have something like you in air play in the US.We miss you here and can
Name: Simon
Location: london
Submitted: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 07:27:10 GMT
Comments: The music industry is tough for girls but Viola Wills strength and talent have seen her through. Songs like "Dare To Dream" and "Somebody
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 15:37:43 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
Just saying hello and hoping you are very well. Take care
Love always Patrick
Name: Cristiano
Location: Viola the best
Submitted: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 11:00:44 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola i like so much your songs I'm a fanatic :D
www.backto8070s.tk hehe :D Thanks you
From Milan - Italy!!
djcristianov80s70s !!!
Name: Darrin
Location: Nottingham
Submitted: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 02:20:23 GMT
Comments: Just to say you were fab at the Quebec
Name: Jane
Location: USA
Submitted: Fri, 08 Jul 2005 23:22:47 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola!
Heard the new version of 'In This House' by Gaz Reynolds on WVIQ FM here in LA.Its on heavy rotation on most of the stations in the States now - great to hear you back on radio!
Name: Ross Alexander
Location: Nottingham
Submitted: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 00:54:29 GMT
Comments: Viola, thank you for sharing your wonderful talent last week. You are a true living legend. So relieved you like the new track. The dancefloors will be rockin' to this one. See you soon, Love Ross xxx
Name: Steve
Location: Brighton
Submitted: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:35:15 GMT
Comments: Hi Vi, Its steve from Samadeus! Nice to see you the other day at shoreham. You know i mentioned to you i play in a chicago blues band,real true black blues. We have just lost our singer, fancy it ? Steve x
Name: Débora Martins Alves
Location: Brazil - Brasília (DF)
Submitted: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 02:16:31 GMT
Comments: I love your songs! I remember when I was very young ....'gonna get along without you now'. This song was special to me.
Thank you
Name: Jim Caruso
Location: NYC
Submitted: Sun, 01 May 2005 15:40:55 GMT
Comments: Worked with you on those crazy RSVP cruises...I was with WISEGUYS...a vocal trio. Now in NYC...singing and booking great shows at Birdland. Any NYC travel plans? Let me know! XOOXOXOX
Name: Jack
Location: NC, USA
Submitted: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:32:48 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola,
I still have all your records, and my absolute favorite of all time is If You Could Read My Mind, and Stormy Weather. MY word, what! a voice you had and still have! It just doesn't seem like so many years have passed it was 1980-1981, and here we are at 2005. Keep going strong! You are much loved and enjoyed all these years later.
Name: Jon
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 14:21:22 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
I remember hearing your song 'gonna get along without you now' when I was just a boy. This song is definately a classic; thank you.
Name: Jon
Location: London
Submitted: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 14:19:57 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola
I remember hearing your song 'gonna get along without you now' when I was just a boy. This song is definately a classc, thank you.
Name: Arno Fermont
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Sat, 26 Mar 2005 01:57:10 GMT
Comments: Hi,
I'm very proud of you. I listen, every day !! You're a perfect. I wait, that you come to Holland!!
Greetings Arno Fermont
Name: Carlos Miller
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Submitted: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 19:26:26 GMT
Comments: It is a great pleasure to me to sign your guest book, thank you for answering my email....
Again, you have one of the most prettiest voice I´ve ever heard....
I´ve listened to almost all your songs...
Best Regards,
Name: Marcello
Location: Europe/USA
Submitted: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 12:26:53 GMT
Comments: for sell and buy DISCO VINYL RECORDS
Name: matt stedeford
Location: UK
Submitted: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 19:18:30 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola, I'm a producer working for Gaz Reynolds at the moment. Gonna be working on 'In this House 2005' next. Must say I quite like your backing vox. Look forward to maybe working with you in the future + good luck with the music. -matt stedeford www.stedeford.com
Name: Joz Wilson
Location: New Zealand
Submitted: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 04:31:36 GMT
Comments: Hello there or Kia Ora Viola from New Zealand...Ur songs r so lovely keep up tha good work, keep doin' wat u r best at which is singing...take care & god bless....hear from u soon..Joz (NZ)
Name: Lee
Location: Leeds, UK
Submitted: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:16:43 GMT
Comments: Hey Vi, It's great that you're over here to give your UK fans a chance to see and hear you. We wrote for a short time while you were based in Palm Springs (partly through your friend Wilma). Then I left for a business trip to India and we lost touch after that. I still love the voice, the look, the songs, THE DIVA! I saw on here that you're looking for some of your old tracks, if you let me know which ones I may have them - I spent way too much on e-bay!! Worth every penny though!! Take Care Vi. Love, Lee xxxx
Name: Dave
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Submitted: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:12:48 GMT
Comments: Hey Viola,
Its Dave Here , Irish fan.
I just want to say great gig in Dublin last year. Also , L O V E ur new version of 'Mabey This Time' on the Klone Album
You are stunning
Dave xx
Name: Jeff
Location: Australia
Submitted: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 10:56:23 GMT
Comments: Hi Viola.
I am new to yuur music and i think it is fantastic, also you look absolutely stunning.
Thank you for a beautiful sound...Jeff.
Name: Patrick Neville
Location: London
Submitted: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 11:06:20 GMT
Comments: Dear Viola
It's been too long since I last e-mailed. Please forgive me. I just wanted to say Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2005. I hope your success will continue and grow. I have seen how hard you have worked for it and nobody deserves it more. Take care of yourself.
Lots of love always from Patrick,
Location: Netherlands
Submitted: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 13:13:10 GMT
Comments: For many years I have been a huge fan of Viola Wills. I have even had the pleasure of meeting Viola a few times when she was in Holland. A truly great lady with an amazing voice. Whether she sings soul, jazz or even a good old disco tune she always manages to touch my heart. So thank you Viola for all those wonderful moments your music has given me. Our friendship I will treasure for ever. Hope we can meet again soon.
Name: Robb Cooper
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Submitted: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 22:43:19 GMT
Comments: I've known Vi for well over a decade, and have had the personal pleasure of booking dates for her as a live to track agent in the clubs across the USA. She's always been and will always be a "Super Trooper"! Her shows delight audiences young and not so young! (smile). Althoughshe has moved to the UK, we'll share her love forever.
Name: Ladycat
Location: LONDON-W1
Submitted: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:09:37 GMT
Comments: I am currently writing about the diva's scene in N-y,London and Paris. Your name has been mentioned several times and I would like to meet up with you as soon as possible to include you in my article. Could you be so kind to contact me trough my web site:
A tres bientot
Name: Antonio Cabrales Suarez
Location: Gran Canaria /Islas Canarias
Submitted: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 07:30:18 GMT
Comments: Hola a todos e conocido este 25 de Junio en Las Palmas y me a parecido una persona estupenda ...Thanks Viola you are Wonderfull Person...Antonio.
Name: Graham Ward
Location: Nottinghamshire
Submitted: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 14:01:50 GMT
Comments: What can I say about this Diva.
I have worked on the gay scene as a Dj, and have worked with some of the worlds top artists.
Viola is simply the BEST.
I met her in 1982 in Brighton, where she appeared at the Manhatton club, I was resident Dj.
Our microphone died, she didn't complain, but got up on stage and sang.
A thousand points for that .
What a voice, the clarity, the power, her songs.
In all the years I have worked, I have never come across anyone who comes close to perfect, this lady does and is.
Since then we have worked together and become great friends.
Just in case you are wondering, Viola doesn't know I am posting this.
She will do soon though, hehe.
Don't take my word for it, see this Diva live, you make the effort, and you will be rewarded.
Viola, thank you for your humanity, your music, but most of all for being you.
I love you.
Graham XXX
Name: sammy
Location: middlesbrough england
Submitted: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:28:45 GMT
Comments: i fink ur song gonna get along without you now is class ive been tryin to get it for a while now but carnt find it any were bless me